looks like it was built well from what i can see. it would help if you added a few more pics i cant see that much from these
Wow, this is a great aesthetic map, but it also looks like it could be played competitively. Could it?
yea I really have to agree. Not on the competive part though thats fine. This looks very well made, decent, and is a really great idea.
Map looks cool but I don't like the pictures, why do they curve. It makes me feel like you added that to make it interesting. Still it looks nice. Read my signature
wow ponyD i love your maps. this one has great interlocking and has a great design( like all your maps). But i have to say, your use of shield doors for water is insane. great job once again
By far the best water I've seen in a while; very aesthetically pleasing. I'll download and try it out. Could we have a weapons list, and possibly some more pics?
this is so sexy!!!! definate feature in next map pack! ummm... yea.... can you post pics that arent distorted tho, so we can get a nice picture? these don't do it justice.
This map looks great but the panoramics make me confused a little. I can't tell what is where. But I'll still DL since it looks like a great aesthetic, fun map. Can't wait to play it later! Oh yes, a few more screens please.
Guys the map is so large that I do the panoramic picture to let you get the FULL view of the Map. YES I am still putting up Pictures...I have many. A weapons list is coming soon... This is a thread Incomplete. Bare with me folks. Thanks for the quick responses.
This map looks really cool. The first picture reminded me of a dam, so I guess that's a good thing. Also, I think you meant 'Inside the dam', not 'Inside the damn', lol.
This looks great. I have a ? tho for you. I have been wanting a person that can make stuff like this for a movie. If you are interested give me a message at xDHxHAVOC over xbox live. You will get full credit for your maps and you can even be in it. This map looks really good.
OMG that river thing is really good... anyway the map is really well done and i love the curving and stuff. really well done. 4.5/5
This looks well built. I give it a 5/5. You have a nice touch with the shield doors. Keep up the great work PonyD. Happy Forging, KG Gods STDs!
Looks very nice. I have to agree with posts above, can this map be played competitively? If not, I would still love playing this map. If so, it would make this map better. But I love the water in the middle, and the bunker part. 4.8/5.
Wow, it's not too often you see an aesthetic map that plays well (I don't know that for sure, but it does appear to be so). Also, the way you posted your thread is beautiful, and should inspire newer members hopefully, as with text in pics is always enticing, as well as panoramas. Great job, good sir.
Thanks for the kind feedback, I wouldnt be making these maps if it werent for the community within ForgeHub, THANKS EVERYONE
Very cool map and a dl. I like the design and story behind it. The way the pictures are set up give me a headache though.