Tilt-A-Whurl Created by Cleaverkurd ------- Brief Description: This is my 2nd race track where i built a pretty good turn for the first turn. I spent like 3 to 4 hours on it and i think its pretty good. It works with the VIP RACETRACK Game Type. ------- Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing Tilt-a-Whurl. Jump and Turn. Quick Turn. Jump to Victory Comments are much appreciated.
This is cleanest and coolest mongoose track I've seen, ever, I was impressed after the first pic! I normally hate racetracks but this one is an exception. 4.5/5
i do like the cross section though...(your first pic) me and my buddies had fun on that part...good forging
You're turn in picture 1 looks sweet, I'm sure there could be plenty of crashes there, because of the (+) intersection. Look sweet, good job and nice interlocking.