AAA OBSTACLE v1 :: Screenshots Included ::

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by AAA RocK N RoLL, Jul 12, 2008.


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  1. AAA RocK N RoLL

    AAA RocK N RoLL Ancient
    Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    Download This Map Variant: ► AAA OBSTACLE v1
    Download This Game Variant: ► AAA OBSTACLE v1
    Download This Film Clip: ► AAA OBSTACLE v1
    Join The AAA Forging Clan Here: ► AAA Forging Clan
    Visit Out Home Website: ► The American Alcohol Association Gaming Clan


    Awesome Screenshots Below:

    The Starting Room
    How To Get Out?
    Whats Around That Corner
    Whats Next?
    Jump Through
    Play Ball
    The Lost Room
    The Trench
    The Trench Can Hurt
    The Closterfobic Room
    The Long Way Up
    Lets Climb
    The Tunnel Of Death
    The Tunnel Is Just Warming Up
    Bust Your Way Through
    Find Your Way Down
    Now To Get Back Up
    Up And Out
    Out And Away
    Time To Jump
    Follow The Signs
    Don't Jump To Far
    New Jump Styles
    Don't Fall
    Get To The Portal
    Hallway Of Flame
    Get To The End
    The Lookout Box
    To The End
    Victory Is Ours

    Map Overview Photos:

    Made By: RAO
    A {AAA} Production
    The American Alcohol Association Gaming Clan
    Overview 1
    Overview 2
    Overview 3
    Overview 4
    Overview 5
    Overview 6
    Overview 7
    Overview 8
    Overview 9
    Overview 10
    Overview 11
    Overview 12
    Overview 13

    This obstacle is held on the map Foundry. It is designed to be a puzzle map with many obstacles in your way that you must complete in order to finish.

    Link To Map Variant: AAA OBSTACLE v1
    Link To Game Variant: AAA OBSTACLE v1
    Link To Film Clip: AAA OBSTACLE v1

    Additional information:
    This map and game type is intended for anyone and everyone looking to have fun and solve a puzzle. So if your up for it then here is your chance.

    Here Are The Rules For ( AAA OBSTACLE v1 ):

    1. You can play ( AAA OBSTACLE v1 ) alone or with others. So play with your friends and help each other out or just play alone and try to best this fun awesome obstacle map.

    2. Ask others for tips and hints on how to beat the map and maybe you can help one another out. Feel free to ask for help or give others a helping hand.

    3. Send your video with you beating the map from beginning to end to gamertag: ( AAA RocK N RoLL ) to earn full credit for beating the map. { You will be given a time limit record on how fast you beat this obstacle! } This way you can compete with others on who beats this obstacle the fastest and the slowest. We will also throw in some other fun stuff that will make this obstacle map a fun gametype!

    4. Send info to gamertag: ( AAA RocK N RoLL ), post here on website or other forums that you downloaded this Map & Game Variant from on how many days, hours, this obstacle took you. Be honest please!

    5. Download and use Map & Game Variant for each obstacle to earn full credit for beating the map. If using the wrong or not using at all any of the right Map or Game Variants you will not earn full credit for beating the map!

    6. Remember this is all for fun and to have a good time. Help others out and discuss problems and ideas with one another. If anyone needs any other help or may be stuck, you can always get a hold of me at:
    GamerTag: ( AAA RocK N RoLL )
    Email: ( )
    Website: ( The AAA Clan ( Click Here )

    Send All Videos For Completing The AAA OBSTACLE v1 To Gamertag: ( AAA RocK N RoLL ) To Be Added To The List!

    Here is a list of people that have completed AAA OBSTACLE v1:

    1st. ► GamerTag: ( AAA RocK N RoLL ) Time: ( 27min. & 55sec. )
    My Video Proof Of Beating AAA OBSTACLE v1

    Here Are Some Better Pics For Those Who Asked For Them!
















    #1 AAA RocK N RoLL, Jul 12, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 12, 2008
  2. infected6dreams

    infected6dreams Ancient
    Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    Whoa, looks kinda combubulated, but fun to play. I'll try it out. good job!
  3. Pro NZ Assassin

    Pro NZ Assassin Ancient
    Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    Hey man this looks like a seriosly awesome map, but could you make some of your pictures show up on the thread aswell, like do what you done with the first one, please... thanks

    Pro Nz Assassin
    Mastar likes this.
  4. STEClash96

    STEClash96 Ancient
    Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    Pretty good map 4.3/5 and i'll D/L and play it with my friends. Good Job!!
  5. MattDGiant

    MattDGiant Ancient
    Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    Try to embed all of your images rather than just the first, if you can.

    The map looks really cool though. I will dl.
  6. X Morcam X

    X Morcam X Ancient
    Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    I played this, and I thought it was fairly fun until the jump part. I got to that, played it for about five minutes, then said "No more miles, thanks." Really, the only difficult part is the jump part. All the rest just requires luck or a knowledge of the map. 3/5.
  7. Ryan. K.

    Ryan. K. Ancient
    Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    I don't know if the pictures work for anybody else, but on my computer they don't work... :-(
  8. AAA RocK N RoLL

    AAA RocK N RoLL Ancient
    Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    Thank you everyone for playing my map and adding me some feedback. It only helps me get better and make even better maps.

    I also added some better pics for everyone that asked for them. I could not add them all since there is a limit on how many you can add. So sorry for that but hope the ones I added help out a lot more.

    Also if you get stuck on the Obstacle there is a film video of me beating the map added to the post under the download part for the map and gametype. Just watch it and it should help you out on how to beat this fun obstacle.

    If you need further help with anything or have any questions please feel free to ask me anytime. You can send me a friend request to ( AAA RocK N RoLL ) on XBOX LIVE.

    Thanks again for downloading and if you like it please tell your friends about it as well. Thank you very much and hope to talk to you all again soon and see some of your own work you have made. Later!


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