IT WAS AWESOME PEOPLE LIVED, PEOPLE DIED, PEOPLE CRIED, PEOPLE PWNED. Game 1 - Cat n Mouse Tone of the game - Daunting Lots of good drivers in this game. 4 rounds lasted 25 minutes. Game 2,3,4 & 5 - Tremors Tone of the game - Hilarious The humans technique was to block my field of view while the flag got away. Game 6 - Peasant Hunt on Lost Chamber Tone of the game - Entertaining [Ever hear grown men scream like little girl?] Hidden masters we are not Game 7 - Multi-Flag on Gridlocked Tone of the game - Gauss-arific [Yes its a word] Lightsout hogged up the guass all game. Game 8 - Convoy Tunnel Tone of the game - Sneaky If they're not behind corners they are probably above you.... Game 9 - 1 Flag on Kentucky Tango Tone of the game - Defensive Never an easy score on tango. It was a battle that my team won thanks to some excellent end of round defense by Lightsout. Game 10 - Incan Capture on Machu Picchu V3 Tone of the game - SUPER Defensive Both teams were mere inches from scoring, but well aimed grenades and good spawns left this game in a deadlock. Game 11 - Sniper Hill on Sniper Tundra Tone of the game - ... [In honor of G043R who was in another party] Can you see something out of the ordinary??? Game 12 - Snow Mice Tone of the game - EPIC! 1v1 Cat vs Mouse for 3 minutes. Yes that is me. Yes i win. (mongoose master in training) Game 13 - Jengatron on Jenga Tower Tone of the game - calm before the storm JENGA!!! Game 14 - FFA Crazy King on Reflex Tone of the game - PURE MADNESS Ever want to throw 12 people into a map made for 8??? I DID! Game 15 - Conquest on The Cellars Tone of the game - BLOODY! It was brutal... Game 16 - Clay Shooting on Duck Hunt Tone of the game - Killtastrophe They never had a chance. Game 17 - 1 Flag on Coldfront V4 Tone of the game - Quick & Painful Lots of sniping lots of splatters and 1 VERY high flying blue team member. Game 18 - MLG TS v5 on MLG HYPE 2.0 Tone of the game - Quicker & more Painful Br Br Reload Br Br wash repeat. Game 19 - Hangar 02 CTF on Hangar 02 V2 Tone of the game - Tactical Bnasty showin us the correct way to flag run. Game 20 - Team Crazy King on Metronome Tone of the game - Delicious self promotion MMMmmmmm taste like pwnage... Well there you go i hope everyone had fun i sure know we did. To wrap it all up we took a final picture of the last members of our party.
awesome. Thanks for helping organize the party and the group... youre the man. 4 of us humping you as a tremor was great fun... and very effective as well lol. and yes... i started off Gridlocked with 26 straight gauss turret kills... and ended up going 30-3. Thats some serious pwnage right there kids. take notes.
ya i would of been in lightscouts party but my dad thought it would be a good idea to move the comp so i lost connectiong like 5 mins before it started
i was all three of your deaths =[[[ it took me like 10 tries, and then i just lobbed a sticky and it landed on your turret whoring face. good party, thanks for hosting.
Great recap... looks like it was a fun TGIF. Dude 26 straight Gauss kills on Gridlocked??? How bad do I want to see a fast-motion vid of that. And Killtastrophe on Duck Hunt has to be some kind of record. The best I'd seen previously was a Killtrocity. Somebody's got some serious Gauss skills.
Great recap Vice, it looks like it went really well. The whole 26-3 thing on Gridlocked...No fair...Hiding with a gauss... Also: We played 14 people on Sapphire! So *sticks tongue out* meh! lol, but seriously, playing too many people on a map is more fun then I woulda thought.
Man was that a fun TGIF. I have your metaforical back, man! P.S. In the last screen i'm the guy on the far left with the missle pod.
Great pics to go w/ a great TGIF. I woke up this morning with a big headache. I think it was because of that game on The Cellars. Btw, who was the guy who kept becoming a zombie almost every other round?
I loved that. It was the best. I'm so doing it next time. The whole t-bagging the tremor was my idea too. =D (And oddly enough, it worked) (I like how I'm in a lot of those pics. too) ~And I think that's me getting lasered trying to get the rockets on Kentucky Tengo.
Yeah, it was bad enough that you were doing that to the enemy team... It was even worse for them that I was pwning them with the sniper (most of the time). ~Triple, almost overkill, with it. I had 24 kills and 11 deaths. (+27)
I think you should switch this: [Ever hear grown men scream like children?] to this: [Ever hear grown men scream like a little girl?] Since that is what was said to do if you saw the Minator.
It was me who got the killtasrophe which i think is 8 kills in a row only bested by killpocalypse and killonanaire
Ya. I would have gotten more than a killimanjaro but I encountered a common glitch where your first shot won't kill the duck.
Well, TGIF was a lot of fun and my favorite part was Conquest on the Cellers, even though the teams were a little stacked. Thanks for hosting and I hope we can play again sometime. I don't remember what map it was, but it was on Foundry and it was my last game and I got a cool sniper kill. Someone was charging you (Vice) with the sword, but his head was hidden behind a bridge so I aimed in front of him at the ground and bounced it. Boom headshot!!! I'll send you the video!