Test Facility9

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by American10, Jul 10, 2008.

  1. American10

    American10 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Test Facility9,
    Made by,
    American10 and Eyeless Sid

    Supported Gametypes:

    • Infection

    Story and map description:

    This facility was state of the art, Its the ninth flood testing facility. A bill was past and now the other eight facilities in the last couple of years have been shut down.

    Now Facility 9 is overstocked with test subjects and the flood virus. They have cryo tubes filled with the virus that are tightly packed. And it was only a matter of time where the labs would have a problem.

    Recently the facility has had security and containment issues leading to a Quarentine. Security teams are struggleing to hold containment.

    Security teams are fighting a losing battle and have already abbandoned parts of the lab because of the ifestation. Even the protective energy barrier doors have failed and now have been compromised by larger flood forms.

    The surviving security members are making a last stand againt the virus but are having little luck slowing the flood advance. If the security teams fail to hold containment there will be nothing stopping this from turning into a outbreak.

    Stop the spread of the virus before its to late. Purge the systems before the already escaped flood release the remaining test subjects. This is the last chance for this out break to be stopped. Do not let the flood escape the lab to further spread the virus!

    Test Facility 9 is under full Quarentine.

    Gametype Settings:


    • Orange
    • 110% speed
    • immune to headshots
    • 2 alpha zombies
    • 10m radar
    • 90% damage resistance
    • Start with plasma pistols and sword

    • Blue
    • Start with plasma pistols and carbines
    • 110% speed
    • 90% damage resistance
    • Pick up weapons
    • damage modifier=200
    • 10m radar
    • now wave points
    Weapons on map:

    • 8 Plasma Pistols
    • 13 Covenant Carbines
    • 1 Plasma Cannon
    • 16 Plasma Rifles

    Equipment on map:

    • 4 plasma grenades


    Security room overlooking zombie cryo cage which holds two zombies
    untill the other zombie releases them or a fusion coil explodes the
    energy coils in picture two after 90 seconds.

    Teleporter exit from cryo cage

    Cryo cage exit after blown up

    Middle of the level

    Wall divider that slipts the level in half

    Securrity outpost with teleporter exit in it and plasma cannon top.

    Teloporter exit inside outpost

    Where third starting zombie spawns to release other zombies.

    Security room door with cracked look

    Inside security room looking at teleporter that brings players to
    security outpost

    Cryo cage room door looks as if it was torn open by test subjects escaping.

    Action pic showing that every door on the map has a craked/shatter
    look to them.

    Thanks and additional information:
    Thank you OM3GA 1151 for helping with the map.Thank you all the play testers that tested the map.In pre-game lobby you should tell everyone that the alpha zombie outside should try to release his other two comrades.

    Download Test Facility 9
    Download Test Facility 9s gametype
  2. drak

    drak Ancient
    Senior Member

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    4/5 from me for using that map nice job!
  3. Orphanslayer92

    Orphanslayer92 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    this is one of the better cs maps that I have seen. I like it 4/5
  4. IncredibleHulk

    IncredibleHulk Ancient
    Senior Member

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    pretty kool nice layout
  5. xMBMAxPureEvil

    xMBMAxPureEvil Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I do have to say this looks pretty nice. I like that you used the recieve nodes or whatever you used for scenery. Its been done with the other teleporters but this one looks a lot cooler
  6. American10

    American10 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    THanks guys,I would give most of the credit to Eyeless Sid.
  7. Oakly HiDef

    Oakly HiDef RivalMass
    Senior Member

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    This looks really good. I love all the detail that went into making the story come to life. The broken shields are a great idea and I have never seen that before. The bases are well done and i like how the zombies can free their trapped members. The gametype has the infected holding plasma pistols as well which is interesting but I guess they will never use them.

    God job. 9/10
  8. a pmp nmd slkbk

    a pmp nmd slkbk Ancient
    Senior Member

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    wow dude, this....is....amazing, i love this map already, best map on cold torage 5/5+a download
  9. Da Pig

    Da Pig Ancient
    Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    This looks really cool! Must be the best Cold Storage map yet. I will download this and the gametype, and will try to play this later today.
  10. Eyeless Sid

    Eyeless Sid Ancient
    Senior Member

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    If you choose to try out the map be sure to use the game type as well otherwise the game wont function as intended. If you find any issues with the map or game type you can share that with us so we can try to fix it if possible. Also if you find a game type that you believe works better on this map feel free to share it with us so we can try it out and see if it works better than our creation. Thanks for the positive feedback I hope you guys enjoy our map. :)
    #10 Eyeless Sid, Jul 11, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 11, 2008
  11. ReactantMercury

    ReactantMercury Ancient
    Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    This map looks tight,
    I like hoe you merge the 4 power cores together and put the teleporter on top,
    It made it look all sci-fi and junk.
    Great Map!

    4.5 out of 5
  12. Stillen

    Stillen Guest

    I like the cracked doors they add an erie feel to the map. Also the center dividing wall was a smart idea it makes the game last longer even though the maps fairly small. Good work :)
  13. Rose Red

    Rose Red Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This looks really cool. Looks like alot of thought went into how the game starts with zombies having to be released by one of their own. Then the humans have 6 minutes to hold off the onslaught. : ]
  14. TicTock

    TicTock Guest

    I really like I am legend style maps this is a good spin off. Also I'm happy to see more Cold storage maps being made even with limited forgeing abilities on that map.
  15. Prophet of Heresy

    Senior Member

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    if it were me i would piss off all the zombies by not releasing them and taking the humans on by my self :D
  16. Metallic Snake

    Metallic Snake Ancient
    Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    looks pretty interesting, i might check it out
  17. SE7ENS1NS4M

    SE7ENS1NS4M Ancient
    Senior Member

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    4/5 looks pretty good ill check i out
  18. Eyeless Sid

    Eyeless Sid Ancient
    Senior Member

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    LOL thats what happened in the early stages of the map before I added the 90 second auto release. I lost a few people from my games because of that fluke tht I had to fix. ; ]
  19. Small Scotsman

    Small Scotsman Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Brilliant! A CS map with a theme and story in it. Good Job for making a decent map on CS, can't wait to get a game on it! :)
  20. Ryan. K.

    Ryan. K. Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Cool, pretty neat, I like how you made the crack's in the energy blockers.

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