This is my second map I made. It took me about 16 hours all together. I hope u enjoy. Please post comments. This map is on Blackout. It has lots of curves. Also there are grav lifts to help sppeed you through the map .Here you can download the map. Sorry for no pics I will get some ASAP : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Share
You need a map link, screenshots, a longer description, and some better knowledge of the rules. Click here to read the rules. Example of a good map post.
this doesnt meet up to forgehub standards. like jumbodawg said, you need screenshots, and a map link. also sum descripstions. if you need help, go to the fourms.
Well you've already heard but, how are e going to download your map if there's no download link? And there's no pics and the description is hardly a description at all... I suggest going to the help-section or clicking the link that Jimbodawg gave you. But don't post a new thread, just edit this one when you're ready