why would you even bother posting that on this site. its a waste of everyones time. just let people make maps.
Ever think that perhaps it's because more and more noobs like yourself keep joining the site throwing a couple of weapons and boxes around and call it map?
And this type of topic is how your reputation gets rapped. I just checked his profile and you guys knocked him down to -19. If you don't like it here go back to the Bungie Forge forum and have bump wars.
oh **** off and go back to b.net flamer your just a hater cuz you cant make maps like are great people here on Forgehub
and you are still on forgehub? I thought you hated it. When you hate something you tend to go away from it. Dont you? You cant even spell properly. Go back to b.net and be a loser some where else. Jeez
Exactly. Here's an example of how much of a retard you are. You: "Hey this apple looks nice.*takes bite* WTF, its rotten! *Takes second bite* WHY THE **** ARE YOU ROTTEN! *Yet again, Takes another bite* I am so pissed off, why are you rotten*Takes more bites* *Bitches even more*" ... If you dont like the apple, dont eat it.
I should spam before it gets locked. Nah. I'm done with that. Ok, I say to you: "OMG YOU SUCK GET OUT OF FORGEHUB RIGHT NOW!!!!!!! Thank you." Do not flame me, for I said that in all kindliness.
Why are you even here if you dont like Forgehub then? -rep. Aww for god sakes i fail , gave him +rep for saying FH sucks. Can a mod change that for me please??
I dunno why this should be locked,its nicely structured and very relevant to forge. I think it should be stickied. Plus this is an epic chance to get someone to neg 9999 rep