Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing This is the link to the bungie.net topic This is a map ViolenceRTC and I made. It has tons of jumps and explosions. Most are done with a ghost or mongoose. Enjoy!
This post is not up to Forgehub standards. Please embed screenshots, add a description, and all the other stuff we obviously need to enjoy your map. Thank you.
Edit: Sorry about that. Im new here. It has a ramp where you can jump vehicles with a ghost, a jump with a warthog that lands in a bunch of fusion coils and propane tanks, and a jump with a mongoose that runs into a pyramid of fusion coils, and much more!
u got 24 hours bud to imbed your pics i looked though and you might want to take pics before even posting
How to embed: 1. Take screens in-game. 2. Go to bungie.net on PC. 3. Go to your screens. 4. Save them to your PC. 5. Go to imageshack.us or photobucket.com and upload them there. Copy and Paste the link that has these before and after it: and paste them into your post. 6. Done.
He means you have 24 hours, before your post is locked and deleted. Sorry for doubling, oh great and mighty admins...
For info on how to correctly post a map, press the link in my sig. That will take you to the ForgeHub map requirements page. =)
Alright, now all you gotta do is edit your first post and copy & paste the photo there. Judging by the photo, the map looks neat, but it would help if you had more photos to share. More photos would give us a better feel of what the map is like.