I am thinking of foraging a map on Foundry... its of Halo 1. The main idea of the map is cryobays of the Pillar of Autumn...what do you think? Is it a good idea? also i'll make more screen shots if i ever get to it... all I am doing now is starting ideas and asking if any one wants to help... I suck at interlocking and if any one good at that maybe they could help... PM me if your interested...
Maybe you should just build the Pillar of Autum. Just kidding. This sounds like it could be a good idea but are you planning on only doing this one section or all of the area. You understand what I'm saying? Because doing the entire area would take a lot of work and detail. Possibly interested, I do have other projects that are consuming my time right now but I might be able to squeeze this one in.
heres a tip while inerlocking: place an object against the object u want to interlock. then when you start the round over u will have a refence point.
its going to just be 2 rooms really and a hall way... um... if i could get a screenshot of the area I will post it... let me show you what i am doing as an over view ... does any one remember the area ON the MAW , IN the cryo bay where there is a second floor with indestructible glass(kinda like an overpass to the cryobay?)? Well I am trying to reproduce that room... at the the hall next to it... ... I wish so much that i had a video card... but w/e... um... I give more detail later... i guess... but for some fun... the Cyrotubes are Dumpters...lol... I am thinking about it after I posted and now... yeah... I could do alot of the cyro bay in forage... I am replaying the level to get the idea features...
at about 1;491- 2;00 the room he is in from that time frame is what I am trying to make in forage on foundry... I am going to make it a bit larger... but do you think that would be a good idea? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q36Jx9U2Gio&feature=related [youtubeq36Jx9U2Gio[/youtube]