This is my new map called Battle Ridge, it takes a few main layout ideas from some Halo 2 maps, one is the ridge thing that i put in the side, that obviously comes from Beaver Creek from halo 2. the second layout feature is the setup dumpsters that are setup on end throughout the whole map combined with hovering catwalk system. this was taken from Hang 'em High, except the catwalk system isn't quite as high as it should be but its still there. But the new parts that are in here are the new bases, one that is safely tucked away inside the aide room, and the other one that is in the open but has a lot of offensive points to it. Also i have added a small piece which is the tele-porter (behind that wall) that takes you up to a few double open flying boxes. Artillery Base Bunker Base Inside Ar. Base Inside Bunk. Base Battle Ridge's Ridge Overlook HERE'S THE LINK
t's pretty good. A warped take on Beaver Creek. Nice job, and The ridge is abosutley lovely in a ridge way. I still give it a 9/10 because I dont really get why there is a wall in the back with nothing behind it... I will however, download it.
looks good, but I am concerned about people jumping on the other side of that wall in the corner and getting stuck in there.
looks pretty good, well done for putting an arrow on the screenshots to show what/where the weapons are, its a gd idea and loks really fun, but u should turn the bridges over, to make it smoother and put in more cover
ya it looks okay, maybemerge the bridges a ittle better. and if some one made like a perfect beaver creek that would be sick this reminds me of it a bit