lol thanx dude. this one got overlooked cause i released it like 10 hours before legendary map pack was released.
i just wish more people knew about it. cause it was only in the new posts box for like an hour and then maps got posted like crazy. i couldn't believe how fast it flew out of that new posts box
I appreciate the Positive feedback. Keep an eye out cause i have several projects in the works that i should be posting soon
There is some serious necroposting going in here, but I guess it's okay because this map is epic. I love playing 1v1 here. All those fake gen's ask me to play them 1v1 and I choose this map lol.
There is no necroposting in this thread so i don't know where you got that idea and thanx for choosing my map to pwn your noobs
Necroposting means, posting on a map to bring it back from the pits and bottoms of the forums. As, you see this map was made back in April. It was brought back today, when the last post on it was 3 weeks ago
this map does look sorta cool but i got to dl to see ill send more feedback later its loooks good from the pics
i actually think this map would be good for 4vs4 on king of the hill mosh . but looks like a good map !