no but if u dont believe in freedom of speech (which is actually a law and u cant really not believe in a law) than how can u harass me? thats going against ur beliefs thus breaking the beliief making me able to harass u...... it would actually be the other way around
Paradox? Notrly. It's like how Christians tell everyone that they have to follow the Bible and then killing, torturing, and stealing money. But I digress.
Are you really that ignorant that you see yourself as better than someone else because of skin color...? Its people like you that disgusts me, people who are so self centered that they cannot see that someone who is "different" is still a person and should be treated equally.
no cuz im a bit different, im racist against everyone, even my own kind everyone has their flaws right? might as well have fun with it
yea i actually believe christians are some of the most ignorant and fundamentalistic(not sure if thats a word) people in the world
You can't be racist against everyone, that defeats the purpose. Basically, you are saying that, "I hate everyone, and I am better than everyone" That is still ignorant and a bit narcissistic as well. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- I know nemi, but its just the principal, If you can't stand someone because they aren't the same as you, you deserve to be bitched at, a little sense smacked into you with the use of words.
i do it for the fun of it not for the "im better than you" parts, i just get very mean wen others are mean to me (its like the golden rule i guess) and sometimes race comes into play..... actually a lot of the time race comes into it basically since everyone has their flaws (im not gunna name them all) i make fun of everyone for them, even myself and my own kind
o u have no idea how many times people have tried to smack sense into me and i dont think im better than everyone else, and thats what im trying to say, i think everyone has their flaws and i like to make fun of everyone for them even me
i guess im just talking too complicated im racist against everyone including myown kind i dont think im better than anyone else im probably not making sense becuz its 4 in the morning and im getting tired
I hate humans. Including myself. Because we're killing the planet. Repent! Repent! Yeah, I don't think you're getting across to us real well.
omg i guess noone here can seem to understand me (well between the 2 of u) i believe every race or person has its flaws i make fun of every race or person for its or their flaws i can be racist against myself and thats not impossible (not racist be is a flaw, i am a complete d bag to people) u cant seem to understand this i like the enter key
HOW THE **** CAN YOU BE RACIST AGAINST YOURSELF. That's what I'm asking you. Whoever developed the basic etymology of the word must be rolling in his grave.
from 1.a belief or doctrine that inherent differences among the various human races determine cultural or individual achievement, usually involving the idea that one's own race is superior and has the right to rule others. i see my race to have the same types flaws and stereotypes that someone racist white people would see.....
"1. a belief or doctrine that inherent differences among the various human races determine cultural or individual achievement." Exactly. Your point that you're racist against yourself makes no sense. There are no differences if you put everyone into one group. That's just self-loathing.
nononononononoo im racist to all different races as differing wholes it basically means "coming to a conclusion by the race of a person" i can come to a conclusion of a white person just as well as i can to a black person
i made a thread similar to this and it got locked as a potential flame war... why is the gym 'Curves' ok but anything opposite is terrible? Why are hate crimes one way?