A lot of the great people of forgehub know that I know weapon placement. But I thought I'd create a guide to silence all if any naysayers. I will create a series of guides to weapon placement, to help the forging community with their maps. This first guide is on This is a guide to proper/effective weapon placement by yours truly, Linubidix. I and maybe others get frustrated sometimes when I am on a great map, go into forge mode and see that the shotty or rocket or sword have a 30 second respawn. These things, destroy your map, not aesthetically but gameplay-wise. It seems people make maps and use the weapons as decoration, "the sniper would look great there", NO. The sniper would play much better if over there. Never spawn a power weapon in its prime position. Like having the shotgun in narrow hallway or spawning a sniper in its prime vantage point, away from the combat and with a clear sight of the main battle area. So here are a few tips from my experience. Keep in mind these will be guides to weapon placement are for Competitive gameplay. _________________________________ The Shotgun Probably the most controversial weapon in the game, the Shotgun is best close range and can be incredibly devastating which is why it should be placed in maps with extreme care. The choice of the shotty’s details mainly depends on the map. But I highly recommend to never, under any circumstances have your shotgun’s respawn rate under 60 seconds. If it is at 60 – 90 seconds, it’d be best for it to have 0 spare clips, if the map is fairly large then it would be acceptable if it had 1 spare clip. In last resort there are 2 shotguns both with the same settings, 2 clips, 90 second respawn. This works exceptionally well, because of the placement of each shotgun, well the placement of every weapon; Last Resort is one of my favourite maps to play on. If you didn’t know, the settings for the shotgun on default Isolation is 30 second respawn and 0 spare clips. Ever wondered why people loath Isolation, there’s a possible reason. It gives the impression that the shotgun will always be there, which in turn makes that area the central focus point of the map. Epitaph, hated by some(not me), this could be because of it placement. “Never spawn a power weapon in its prime position” a very smart person said that. Twas me. The shotgun in Epitaph, is in its very best position. It is at the end of a curved narrow hallway(providing cover), with no chance of getting surprised from behind and it offers an excellent escape route. IMO, Snowbound is a good map, but others may disagree with me there. I do agree that the placement of the shotgun is awful, but I do think that it may be the most fitting of spost for it to be placed. The choice of putting it next to shield doors, now that was bad. Don't put a shotgun near shield doors. Unarguably the focus point on Snowbound in game is the shotgun spawn, one large factor as to why it is hated. But what I say to people who ***** about that “If you hate getting raped with the shotgun, then DON'T GO DOWN THERE, you have only yourself to blame if you get constantly shottied in the tunnels of Snowbound” The shotgun should come with a risk, depending on where it is placed. So, although in most cases having it in a narrow corridor is fai... not success, it is suitable to have it in a corrdor which is extremely open and rather long and offers no escape route(other than death), this would make the player risk their life just to get the shotgun. A good example is Construct even though its a sword, the basic principles for the shotty still apply. Risk and reward is how you should base your weapon placement. One thing you should keep in mind, if you make a close quarters map it doesn’t need the shotgun. In fact the shotgun should be kept out of close quarters maps, its incredibly hard to combat unless you have stickies, but even then if you stick them chances are they’ll kill you too. So what are the main points you can take out of that section. Don't, place the shotgun near shield doors, don't place your shotgun in a hallway, don't have your shotgun’s respawn time under 60 seconds, put the close range power weapon out of the way, make the player risk their life for that shotty. If you’re unable to think of decent settings for your shotgun, here’s one that should work alright for most situations – Clips 1, Respawn 150. If you have 2 clips in your shotgun, make sure it has a 180 respawn. For larger maps: the shorter the respawn, for smaller maps: The longer the respawn. What’s great to do for help and ideas is to have a forgethrough on the better maps, or better yet the default maps you enjoy. So go onto Guardian and check its settings, use those as help for your weapon placement. This can also help with spawns as well but this isn’t a spawn placement guide. I thought I’d take the liberty to add the settings for the shotgun on each default map. Avalanche – Spare Clips – 1. Respawn Time – 60 seconds. Placed on Map – 1. Blackout – Spare Clips - 1. Respawn Time – 120 seconds. Placed on map – 1. Cold Storage– Spare Clips – 1. Respawn Time – 180 seconds. Placed on Map – 1. Construct – N/A Epitaph – Spare Clips – 1. Respawn Time – 120 seconds. Placed on map – 1. Foundry – Spare Clips – 1. Respawn Time – 120 seconds. Placed on map – 1. Ghost Town – Spare Clips – 1. Respawn Time – 180 seconds. Placed on Map – 1. Guardian – Spare Clips – 1. Respawn Time – 90 seconds. Placed on Map – 1. High Ground– Spare Clips – 1. Respawn Time – 120 seconds. Placed on map – 1. Isolation – Spare Clips – 0. Respawn Time – 30 seconds. Placed on map – 1 Last Resort – Spare Clips – 2. Respawn Time – 90 seconds. Placed on Map – 2. Narrows – Spare Clips – 1. Respawn Time – 120 seconds. Placed on Map – 1. Rat’s Nest – Spare Clips – 2. Respawn Time – 60 seconds. Placed on Map – 2. Sandtrap– Spare Clips – 2. Respawn Time – 30 seconds. Placed on Map – 2. Snowbound – Spare Clips – 1. Respawn Time – 180 seconds. Placed on Map – 1. Standoff – Spare Clips – 1. Respawn Time – 120 seconds. Placed on Map – 2. The Pit – Spare Clips – 1. Respawn Time – 120 seconds. Placed on Map – 2. Valhalla – Spare Clips – 2. Respawn Time – 90 seconds. Placed on Map – 2. Now think about the maps you enjoy, and look at their shotgun Placement. ______________ I hope this guide helps some people out . ______________ Cheers, Linubidix
Hmm, nice post. This will definitely help people who just... put weapons down. After reading this, I may consider adding a shotty to my next map
lol right after I asked to help with weapon placement you posted this. Haha it was put together really well nice job this should go in the forging 101.
Completely unexpected Linubidix... but still a great review. If I wasn't 24'd and didn't have to spread rep around I'd give you rep for this. I actually would have put the shotgun in a close quarters spot xD. Nice walkthrough, should be added to Kaya's huge assortment of forge things and what not.
Isolation isn't loathed because of shotguns. Anyone who is playing on Isolation tends to stay above ground which is all mostly open and relied on mid-range combat. The BR is a mid-range weapon. People just suck with the BR and that is why they hate it. Noobs I tell you, noobs. Great guide. I would like to see more. Although I find it fun to spawn everyone with shotguns and infinite ammo. Maybe throw a few rockets on it and call it a day. I am pretty sure I know how to place my weapons, what do you think?
Well sure, infinant shotties can be fun. But my guides are and will be for Competetive Gameplay. I'm thinking about doing either Snipers or Melee weapons for my next guide.
I was kidding, can anybody understand sarcasm. Do I need to throw [/sarcasm] tags around things I say that are sarcastic. Do I need to change my name to GhostSarcasm?
I know you were being sarcastic, I was just humoring...um myself. yeah, my next guide will most likely be on Snipers. Both Sniper and Beam Rifle.
The Beam Rifle is extremely hard to place. Just because you cannot limit shots, and also that it sucks. But that's my personal opinion.
Dude Ghost you have no idea. You need sum lazers, 5 types of all the nades, 3 bubble sheilds, 2 camos, a wraith... and 19 fusion coils. Then you call it a day Also I agree about the Beam Rifle. Its always way too powerful in Fiesta Slayer, cause you can just sit there without reloading the whole game. I pretty much always get at least a killing spree when I spawn with one
I'll explain all that in the guide. How Beam Rifles should only be used in Aysmmetric maps. Should I submit this to Kaya for his master forge help thread?
i applaud you for the best guide ever. on the best weapon ever. as a lover of the shotgun, i agree with you. NEVER put it in a damn hallway. they just ask for death and camping. i advise you to do one on the sword next. people just throw it in a place they think itd be pretty, and then thats usually the spot where they camp with it. Much like the shotgun. Anyways, im glad you've done this. Keep it up!
you are the only person i know that puts this much time, and pays this much attention to every post. i know you could easily become a journalist great guide
this is a great guide and looks like it took alot of time to write out.. im also a peson got weapon placements i think very into every placemet. but this guide still helps good job.
Wow, thank you very much. Thats quite a complement. I am about to start writing up the sniper guide. If anyone has any suggestions on what guides I should do, or what I should include in them, I'd love to hear it.
Overall, a very solid guide. +Rep. You should do Snipers next, then do the Heavy Weapons (rockets, laser, FRC). After that, I'd recommend you add Sword, Hammer, and Mauler to this guide. That way, you focus more on weapon classes and which ones are best for which maps. Feel free to ignore or obey my suggestion, but doing guides for one weapon each, though specialized, will get fairly tedious and boring, especially for you when writing them. If you have the time to do one for each power weapon, by all means go ahead though!
Good idea. I'm gonna keep a theme with each guide. The shotgun has no straight equal, opposite or synonym. So its done on its own. The next one will be snipers(Beam & Sniper Rifle) followed by Melee weapons(Sword and Hammer) I'm planning on doing a heavy weapons(Rocket and Laser), Power-Ups, Duel Weldables, 3rd Person Weapons(Turret, Plasma Cannon, Missile Pod, Flamethrower), Vehicles, Needler and Brute Shot, Grenades, Equipment, Fusion Coils... Well eventually I'll get around to everything.
Well I've always thought that the reason for never having more than one energy power weapon was sort of obvious, but apparently some people don't get it. Most power weapons are so powerful because of the, "OMG H4X RUSHRUSHRUSH ATTAAAACK," attitude of players in these games.