Hi everyone, I'm not necessarily new to Forge Hub, but I do come here a lot. I know how to forge, so I'll try to put up some maps soon.
Hey, welcome. I speak for everyone when I say I'm glad you decided to make an account. You will really like FH's community. As for your maps. Make sure you read the FH map posting standards before posting. Have fun
welcome to forgehub.. just make sure when you go to post your map, whenever your ready, read the rule carefully and make sure you follow them to an exact so no1 complains. :-D if you have any questions just go ahead and ask me ill do my best to answer you and ifi cant ill direct you toward some1 who can.
I'd say that you're new. You signed up today, you're new. Anyway, welcome to Forgehub, I look forward to seeing you around.
Maybe he was lurking around the site before, without an account. Anyways, welcome, please post properly to cut down on noobtrocity.