Its not discrimination if you do it to everyone. Ergo its human nature to "be an asshole" What i do is a whole other kettle of fish to discrimination lol. Kidding but your right,everyone i know has gone nuts on someone else at some point
Note that they are isolated incidents, not on a daily basis like Americans, sure other countries have dickheads, but there is most probably a higher percentage of Americans. Just the other day I was playing MLG with Ivory, and out of the blue, an American asks: "Where you guys from?" "Australia" "That's pretty gay" I was like WTF!? That isn't the first incident I've had with Americans thinking they rule the world. I played with these guys(Australians) that were the biggest arses evar, they were teaming up in Rumble Pit, and lost of course, I told them off in the end though lols. But most people here are cool.
back to what i said earlier, Americans are more comfortable with not holding in their **** comments because they grew up being told they live in the greatest country ever. I cant tell you how many times i was told this throughout my life. We're programmed to not care. A lot of people in such a society take too much for granted and they're blind to losing anything so they say whatever towards other people. most Americans are full of themselves. It's obvious.
*Sigh* America does not have more assholes than every other country in the world put together (I know that this comes as a shock to some of you, but I assure that it is quite true). Microsoft (and Bungie) are both American-based companies. So, it logically follows that Americans will make up a pretty large portion of the online community. Whenever you have a large group of people, you will have more of every kind of person. So, the reason that you see a lot of American assholes is because you are simply seeing a lot of Americans. And don't kid yourself, if you're saying that all, most, or a significantly-larger-amount-above-average population of the United States is made up of idiots and asshole, you are just as bad as any of those bigoted assholes that you have had the displeasure of meeting.
Here is one for you then Macka. What about all the Aussies and Kiwis that assume I must be gay because I'm from Texas and therefore must be a cowboy and must be gay. Nevermind that the story of the film is in Montana. I'm not a **** sucking *** just because I'm from Texas and Heath Ledger AND Jake Gyllinhall can both go rot in gay hell together.