
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Uc Gollum, Jul 11, 2008.

  1. Uc Gollum

    Uc Gollum Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Uc Gollum

    Map Name:


    Map Size:

    Player count:

    What gametype(s) does your map support?:
    All, excluding FFA


    Jump Ahead:
    [jumpto=customvariant]Custom Variant[/jumpto]
    [jumpto=weapons]Weapons & Equipment Listing[/jumpto]
    [jumpto=actionshots]Action Shots[/jumpto]
    [jumpto=specialthanks]Special Thanks[/jumpto]

    [aname=customvariant]Custom Variant:[/aname]

    This gametype is Team Slayer with a twist. The hills gives you 200% shield regeneration and 90% damage resistance. First team to 50 points wins.
    After seeing an article about blocking off your map with Koth, i remembered that you can have On Hill traits. This gave me the idea of having "regeneration zones." As it is Koth, there is only 1 hill which you may have move. This game variant can be used with any map with Koth objective spawns. It would also be cool to see a map primarily based around this (this map is not...although it is possible i could slightly alter it to be).


    I began this a while ago (April) right before finishing Descent. I planned on making an Epitaph-like level and adding some cool features i had planned in my mind.

    The only way this is like Epitaph now is in the side hallways of the level. There is also a rocket/fuel rod cannon in the middle.

    Refraction consists of two identical bases, two slightly altered halls, and a middle area with a bridge created from stairs. The entire map is un-Foundry-like. Most of the map is made of curves and different angles, making it a really fun map for grenade bouncing. I used almost all of the immovable objects possible to forge this map (didn't use 12 bridges and the non-building materials ie. man-cannon).

    In the construction of Refraction, i (obviously) used plenty of interlocking and geomerging. Just about everything is slightly interlocked with its surrounding objects to prevent grenades, flags, oddballs, bombs, etc. from accidentally falling through. Objects, such as walls/ double walls, are also interlocked minutely into the ground to prevent grenades from slipping through the small crack.

    Near the end of Refraction's construction, i got bored and created Hone Your Jump (i get new ideas and become distracted...). After finishing Hone Your Jump, I continued Refraction, and with the help of Fallenrat (thanks for helping me finish this map), a double wall was horizontally merged with the crane (to finish last hallway). We also had the idea for spawns (along with blocking off a way out of the map). As in Terminal (from H2), there are upper level rooms above the bases. These are "safe" spawns and they help a lot with reducing spawn kills. Even if you are spotted spawning up there, you may run further back in your fence box and throw your 2 default grenades + 1 frag (to push back the enemy).

    Near the end of my map, during weapon selection, i had a new idea (well, one i had never seen). Weapon switching. In this map, the Rocket Launcher will never respawn and instead, a Fuel Rod Cannon will. This also happens with the snipers. The Beam Rifle will switch to a Sniper Rifle.

    Weapon/Respawn Time/Total On Map/Run-Time Maximum
    SMG (2 spare clips)_____10 seconds_____2 on map_____4 Max
    Magnum (2 spare clips)_____45 seconds_____2
    on map_____4 Max
    Plasma Rifle_____20 seconds_____2 on map_____4 Max
    Plasma Pistol_____90 seconds_____2 on map_____4 Max
    Battle Rifle (2 spare clips)_____90 seconds_____1 on map_____2 Max
    Carbine (2 spare clips)_____90 seconds_____1 on map_____2 Max
    Sniper Rifle (1 clip)_____150 seconds_____2 on map_____2 Max
    Beam Rifle_____Never_____2 on map_____2 Max
    Rocket Launcher (0 clips)_____Never_____1 on map_____1 Max
    Fuel Rod Cannon (0 clips)_____120 seconds_____1 on map_____1 Max
    Needler (2 spare clips)_____60 seconds_____2 on map_____4 Max
    Assault Rifle (2 spare clips)_____30 seconds_____2 on map_____4 Max

    Plasma Grenade_____45
    seconds_____4 on map_____8 Max
    Fragmentation Grenade_____30 (4)-45 (4)seconds_____8 on map_____10 Max

    Bubble Shield_____90
    seconds_____1 on map_____2 Max

    [aname=screenshots]Screen Shots:[/aname]

    Description is above the screenshots

    Blue Side
    This is the blue side. It is easily signified by its tower holding 3 invisibility power-ups, along with a single invisibility power-up located directly above the dumpster (in base). A beam rifle is located on the wall at Flag spawn. This Beam Rifle switches over to a Sniper Rifle after 150 seconds.

    On the double box on the right side of the base (our perspective), an SMG with 10 second respawn can be seen. On the opposite double box, a Needler with a 60 second respawn can also be seen. The bridge near the Needler is the most used route to the Rocket/Fuel Rod Cannon located in the center of the map.


    Defender's Base
    This is a close up picture of the base located on Blue side. In asymmetrical games, this is the Defender's base. Again, you can see the Beam Rifle, which eventually switches to a Sniper Rifle. In addition, two fragmentation grenades spawn every 45 seconds in front of the dumpster.

    On the sides of the base, fence wall ramps can be used to reach the second floor. From here, you may jump to the Sniper Platform/Flag Spawn, or you can enter either the Crane, or the Curved, Hall. There is also a path leading to the Rocket Bridge on the Crane Hall side (of Blue Base).

    Above the Sniper Platform is a fence box. This is the "Safe Spawn." It is not safe at the beginning, when the Rocket Launcher is active (2 shots, no extra clips). A lone fragmentation grenade is located on either side of the Safe Spawns (there is a divider in the middle).


    Red Side
    This is the red side. It is easily signified by its tower holding 3 overshield power-ups, along with a single overshield power-up located directly above the dumpster (in base). This side of the map is also more shaded, giving it a "darker" feel. A beam rifle is located on the wall at Flag spawn. This Beam Rifle switches over to a Sniper Rifle after 150 seconds.

    On the double box on the right side of the base (our perspective), an SMG with 10 second respawn can be seen. On the opposite double box, a Needler with a 60 second respawn can also be seen. The bridge near the Needler is the most used route to the Rocket/Fuel Rod Cannon located in the center of the map.


    Attacker's Base
    This is a close up picture of the base located on Red side. In asymmetrical games, this is the Attacker's base. Again, you can see the Beam Rifle, which eventually switches to a Sniper Rifle. In asymmetrical gametypes, there is neither a Beam Rifle, nor a Sniper Rifle at this base. As with the opposing base, two fragmentation grenades spawn every 45 seconds in front of the dumpster.

    On the sides of the base, fence wall ramps can be used to reach the second floor. From here, you may jump to the Sniper Platform/Flag Spawn, or you can enter either the Crane, or the Curved, Hall. There is also a path leading to the Rocket Bridge on the Curved Hall side (of Red Base).

    Above the Sniper Platform is a fence box. This is the "Safe Spawn." It is not safe at the beginning, when the Rocket Launcher is active (2 shots, no extra clips). A lone fragmentation grenade is located on either side of the Safe Spawns (there is a divider in the middle).


    Safe Spawns (Third Floor for Each Base)
    The Safe Spawns consist of two interlocked fence boxes. Each fence box extends out a little ways, narrowing as it goes. At the farthest point of each fence box, a fragmentation grenade spawns every 30 seconds.

    The only time this is not safe is when the Rocket Launcher is active (only 2 shots, 0 clips). Although it is safe, it is not impenetrable. A single grenade jump will land you up here. Grenades may also be thrown into, Rockets/Fuel Rods shot up into, and bullets shot through these areas.
    For the most part, you are less likely to die, but you cannot camp.

    Center Overview

    This is an overview of the central room. It is aimed towards the Blue Side. On the bottom-left side & mid-right side of the picture, you can see a tower of barriers. I haven't seen this before, so i thought it'd look cool.

    In the middle of the central room is the Rocket Bridge. It is made from 4 Stairs, combining the largest acute angle with the right angle to create a parallel plane. Geometry (Remember? <A+<B+<C = 180)!!

    The Rocket Launcher in the middle has no extra clips, thus giving it 2 shots. Once it has been used, a Fuel Rod Cannon takes its place instead. This Fuel Rod Cannon has no extra clips (total of 5 shots) and it respawns every 120 seconds.

    Underneath the Rocket Bridge and directly below the Roadblock is a Bubble Shield. This is the only (usable) equipment on the map. It respawns every 90 seconds. The neutral bomb/flag objective point also spawns here.

    Rocket Bridge
    This is another view of the Rocket Bridge. Here you can get a better view its geometry.

    Curved Hall
    This is the curved hall. If you were to look at Blue Base from Red Base, the Curved Hall would be to your right. If you were to look at Red Base from Blue Base, the Curved Hall would be located to your left.

    The Curved Hall holds a Battle Rifle (2 extra clips) that respawns every 90 seconds. Two plasma grenades spawn adjacent to the Battle Rifle every 45 seconds.

    From atop the bridge, near the Battle Rifle spawn, you can view a large portion of the center area via windows. You may also shoot anyone in your sights. Two spawn points are located underneath the bridge and between the stairs.

    Crane Hall
    This is the crane hall. If you were to look at Blue Base from Red Base, the Crane Hall would be to your left. If you were to look at Red Base from Blue Base, the Crane Hall would be located to your right.

    The Crane Hall holds a Carbine (2 extra clips) that respawns every 90 seconds. Two plasma grenades spawn adjacent to the Carbine every 45 seconds.

    From atop the bridge, near the Carbine spawn, you can view a large portion of the center area via windows. You may also shoot anyone in your sights. Two spawn points are located underneath the bridge and between the stairs.


    Warped Wall (...look here -- Red Side-- in game to view it...)
    This is the Warped Wall, well, in the game. Via screenshots the wall looks perfectly straight, but for some odd reason, and depending on your angle of view, the lines and shape of objects will alter.

    It is not as much warped, as it is curved, but warped sounds so much better. The best angle I have viewed it from is the one in this picture.
    The lines on the wall (top half) will curve to the left, the top half of the columns will be slightly concave, and the edge of the box (on the right) will be slightly concave in a small area. It is not much, but it is cool and noticeable.

    I discovered this when placing the bridge seen above. For some reason it just wouldn't stay straight. There would always be a slight disfiguration near the end at the double box, creating a slight bump. This was really, really bugging me. I finally looked to check if my doors were off-centered (one of my door techniques I use for intersecting...), and then WTF?? My doors were bent. A lot. My friend was there, and when I pointed it out to him, he laughed and said that sucks, but it's cool.

    Something really weird is that when i name a map, I name it long before I get close to finishing. This was named Refraction (i remembered it from something --science, I later discovered via Google define search--) before I discovered this "glitch."
    Google Definition Here
    In a very general way, it is the bending of light. It may have little to do with this glitch, but it is a funny coincidence.

    Outside the Map (just a glimpse at its intricacy)
    This is just an outside look (the largest I could get) of my map. It took forever to make this map, but I'm glad I did = ). The Curved Hall was definitely one of the most difficult things I've had to forge.

    [aname=actionshots]Action Shots:[/aname]









    [aname=specialthanks]Special Thanks to:[/aname](i thought i was forgetting something)
    Fallenrat, for helping me with spawns, weapons (i think), and horizontal geomerging a double wall with the crane. You got me past a huge nuisance which I had little motivation to attempt. I probably wouldn't have finished this map as early as today.
    ShellShockNinja... For wasting lots and lots of time with me jumping around my map and circles (lol). I don't know if we ever got anything done. He also supported me and agreed with most or all of my ideas.
    KMandSW for being there for nearly every play test.
    A lot of people at Halo3Forgery for support & testing.
    Whoever else i did not mention because of the extensive amount of time i created this map, thanks.

    Dented_Drum, for helping me vastly improve my posts.

    #1 Uc Gollum, Jul 11, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 12, 2008
    Darkdragon, Sword of Apollo and Blaze like this.
  2. Dr. Chombie

    Dr. Chombie Ancient
    Senior Member

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    you gotta upload your pics properly otherwise we cannot see them

    EDIT: we can see your title pic but more pics of the map would be great too and maybe some action shots as well
    #2 Dr. Chombie, Jul 11, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 11, 2008
  3. Uc Gollum

    Uc Gollum Ancient
    Senior Member

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    EDIT: Everything has been fixed.
    #3 Uc Gollum, Jul 11, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 12, 2008

    DRiSCOLL Ancient
    Senior Member

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    looks pretty good, a good long description and looks like u spent allot of time onit but more pics would b good
  5. Blaze

    Blaze Sustain Designer
    Forge Critic Creative Force Senior Member

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    the stair part looksvery interesting.. i like how there not flipped andthere also on the sides.. also looks like great forging altho i cant see much. ill check it out.
  6. Uc Gollum

    Uc Gollum Ancient
    Senior Member

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    EDIT: Everything has been fixed.
    #6 Uc Gollum, Jul 11, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 12, 2008
  7. Fluffy Pie

    Fluffy Pie Ancient
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    I have seen the weapon switch before along time ago but, Im glad someone else has done it. 5/5 from me and also a DL
  8. Jebus1001

    Jebus1001 Ancient
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    So wait, the gametype is set up so your get no points for being in the hill, instead it's just used for healing purposes,and you get points for killing people like regular slayer? If that's what it is sweet, I queued it anyway (and the map) so I'll check it out
    Uc Gollum likes this.
  9. Uc Gollum

    Uc Gollum Ancient
    Senior Member

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    EDIT: Everything has been fixed.
    #9 Uc Gollum, Jul 11, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 12, 2008
  10. ThPerfectDrug77

    ThPerfectDrug77 Ancient
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    i can't see the pics gollum. which sucks cause this sounds really kool. i'll keep the page marked and i'll probly just download anyway. you definitely got me interested lol
    Uc Gollum likes this.
  11. Blaze

    Blaze Sustain Designer
    Forge Critic Creative Force Senior Member

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    i see you have picswoking now and it deff showsoff the map.. i really liked it btw and i see you used some fence bridges :-D i think i may have started a trent. btw i love am.. good job on the map
    Uc Gollum likes this.
  12. AllseeingEntity

    AllseeingEntity Ancient
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    ummm wow this map is beautiful... how exactly did you do the weapon switch?
  13. Uc Gollum

    Uc Gollum Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Yes! They work (pics). What fence bridges lol? I haven't seen the flipped stair bridge (exactly like mine), but i have seen similar ones. I actually had that part in there around the end of April =P. Awesome that we've had the same ideas though.

    Weapon Switch:
    Item 1 = Place at Start (yes) Respawn (never)
    Item 2 = Place at Start (no) Respawn (not never)
  14. Fallenrat

    Fallenrat Ancient
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    UC Gollum strikes again awesome map helped him little bit with spawns and I gots no credit, don't worry gollum I don't care hehe
    that map has been in construction before hone your jump came out lol its been ages
    I remeber when it had no walls and items everywhere
    Uc Gollum likes this.
  15. dented_drum

    dented_drum Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I'm impressed, seriously. This is quite the work of art. I like what you've done with basically everything.

    Thank you for merging the Single Boxes together on what looks to be the back wall. It simply looks neater than to have that crack.

    Also, the geo-merging with the Stairs in the middle looks very nice. I'm impressed, again. The only thing I can say negatively is the reflection of your post upon your map. Basically, I'm simply stating that with this much detail in a map, you need to reflect that amount of detail in your post. Now, don't take that comment to heart at all. I can see that this post started out without pictures at all, which leads me to believe that you're adjusting to ForgeHub's Forum style and what not. Every member has gone through this process, and I'd love to see what you're capable of once you figure out some of the "in's and out's."

    All that behind us, I'm about to download your map. It simply looks great, and I want to see more. Great job, bro, and I hope to see some more of your stuff!
  16. Uc Gollum

    Uc Gollum Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks. Oh, and Fallenrat, i though i was forgetting something :) (added it).

    Yea, actually i always have screenshots (plenty of them) right when i submit a map (i am also relatively new). Something happened with the site i was embedding images from (I guess?), so only the title pic showed. I was trying a new site, which was easier to upload pics onto, and it didn't work. So i switched every link to my original image hosting site and now it works = ).

    Also, because i am relativey new, I am not sure how much i should really include (and how to include & describe such things). A brief lesson or something of the like would be helpful, thanks.

    I would be glad to boost the desription & quality of my thread, just not sure what else should be added (i do not have the right software or capture card for creating videos...I just started using forums since the start of 2008, so i am still learning everything)
    #16 Uc Gollum, Jul 11, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 11, 2008
  17. dented_drum

    dented_drum Ancient
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    I can only tell you how I do my posts. Personally, I take a lot of pride in my posts, and like to do them as professionally as possible. Now, you started out brilliantly with your picture at the top. I really, really liked that.

    Since I've started here on ForgeHub, I've found little ways to improve a post. That's the reason I said that you'll find out a lot of stuff as you go along. I've found that genereal ForgeHub Etiquette (sp?) will lead other members to respect you. Doing things like typing professionally, and replying to each and every comment on your thread will just make other members say, "Oh, look. That guy's pretty serious about what he's doing. I bet he puts that amount of care into the maps he makes as well."

    Other than the general etiquette (again, sp?), there are tons of things you can do. Always, always, always give a Weapons and Equipment list. However you choose to do them, always make sure you make it easy-to-read. It's never fun to have to decipher what the person is trying to say about his map.

    Also, you can never, ever have too many pictures. I saw in your previous post that you like to post pictures, and that's amazing. You'll do great with that. Descriptions for every picture you post is a plus as well. I recommend a healthy blend of Geometry Shots and Action Shots.

    Now, what I've discovered most recently is the "jumpto" code for BBS. It took me a while to find it, and I'd seen it used in a few posts. No clue what I'm talking about? Check it out.

    Alrighty, I hope that helped you some. Any additional help you need, just talk to me anyway you want to. Seriously, I'm more than happy to help in any way I can. Good luck, bro!
    #17 dented_drum, Jul 11, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 11, 2008
    Sword of Apollo and Uc Gollum like this.
  18. Metallic Snake

    Metallic Snake Ancient
    Senior Member

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    it looks like a good small sized map, i like the looks of it. the barriars, and the bridge are nice features
    Uc Gollum likes this.
  19. Uc Gollum

    Uc Gollum Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Dented_Drum, you've been very, very helpful. That should help plenty with my post, I'll be updating it with what i can think of.

    I have seen people who reply very often and they are usually accused of bumping. It is nice to know i can reply without being spammed.

    Two questions though. First question, how do i do the BBS code (I've seen that in one post, and I'd love to learn it). Second question, what does "sp" mean?
  20. dented_drum

    dented_drum Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Lulz. I can send the BBS code hook-up to you via PM. That's not something I want these...*scans crowd*....things using.

    Lulz, no seriously. I'll send that to you. Also, "sp," in that case, stood for "spelling." I was questioning my spelling of "etiquette," and was hoping someone else would know how.

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