Me and a friend just found a zero gravity glitch. We think it may have been found before, but just in case... here it is. This only works in forge as far as we know. Its just a little somthing to have fun with or make a good warthog jump with, because you can fly across maps. So far it only works with destructible items such as: -fusion coils -vehicles (tested with warthog) -pallets -ANYTHING THAT CAN BE BROKEN All right. So to do the glitch: 1. Its good to get an empty map because then you have every object available and lots of space and put on rockets launchers with infinite ammo. (we recomend standoff or sandtrap because you have lots of room) 2. Stack a bunch of crates a good 10 spartans from the ground or 2 double boxes. 3. Put the object you want to have zero gravity on top of the boxes and wait till its spawn stays there. "this is object A" 4. Delete the boxes from under object A. 5. spawn the same object somewhere on the map on solid flat ground. (not on top of any other objects) "This is object B" 6. Switch object B's spawn time to anything less than object A's. "the one in mid air." (for example the one in mid air is set to spawn in 30 seconds, then set the one on solid ground to 10.) 7. Without blowing it up move object B "the one on solid ground" a couple feet away from its spawn. (if its a vehicle drive it a couple feet away. if its an object move it with your body ) - a double box length away is good enough. 8. Blow up the object A "the one that spawns in mid air... if it is on the ground". (if it is a constantly blowing up object "fusion coil" it will spawn at object B's spawn as soon as you move it away"step 7") 9. pick up the object that spawned at object B's spawn. (not the one you moved away but the one that spawned in its place.) 10. Object B "the one you moved away" will start to float. TIPS!!!! -If you get in a the vehicle you drove a couple feet away before sombody picks up the one that spawned in its place. You will float in the vehicle. Go off a jump then tell the person to pick up the vehicle and you fly across the map. IF THIS IS CONFUSING MY GAMERTAG IS: Stolenpoo OR LEAVE A POST HERE... OR WATCH THIS VIDEO... Download video if anybody can I would really like to embed this video. Please help!
If you word it a little better I will put it in the useful topics thread. Right now I have no idea what said.
ive been on talking in forums for 3 hours so im gona play xbox and ill reword it later. I dont even understand it myself. hard to give directions.
There is already something similar on youtube. It is also wordy but I will re-phrase what is in the video: This requires a person that will help you 1:Create item that you want to float(aka Item A) 2:Edit the respawn of Item A to 10 seconds 3:Move(without picking it up(drive if it is a vehicle)) Item A a slight distance away 4:Create the same item as Item A and put it where Item A was located(aka Item B) 5: Edit the spawn time of Item B to 180 6: Destroy both items 7:When one spawns move it(without touching it) away from the spawn point(aka Item C) 8: Edit the spawn time of Item C to 180 and set the run-time-min. to the same as the run time max 9:When the other item spawns, pick up Item C 10: when you do this the other item will fly to Item C, your next step is to delete the item that flew to Item C without letting go of Item C 11:You're getting close now... Have your guest create an object of your choice that when you pick it up, Object C will float and when you drop it Object C will be normal(I suggest a Crate) 12: Have the guest pick-up and drop the object for your fun!!!) [youtube][/youtube]
The video above explains it a little bit better. This isen't a feature I would be able to use in any of my maps though so I don't think I'll bother trying it out. It does seem like a cool trick though.
i actually have done this i couldnt figure out how. finally sum1 sheds the light on the subject. i have a great video where my firend rides on afloating mongoose all over the map. i make him do spins and tricks when i hit him. its very interesting. i ll post the video after my application is decided upon (stupid small file share). anyway its a neat video. thx for shedding the light man.