Now I'm good with the Graphics, but I'm really bad with the text. I was wondering if someone could help me fix the text so that it fits, and so there's no black box around it. I've tried using other stuff but it just doesn't work. This is a weeks work from me lol and my ICT teacher at school helped me aswell =], so don't make fun of me. The font is called Edgewater and if you need it you can download it here Edgewater Free fonts | Download fonts Here is the sig.
I use a very strange combination of Photoshop and Macromedia Fireworks lol =] It's how I work best =]
mmm sorry i use gimp so im not sure really, but if you copy the backround without the txt and paste it into paint, than put the writing in, make sure when u clk the A symbol u go down and clk the option so it has no bckround to the txt
I'd just like to point out that its too big by 50 pixels (height-wise) ... and you'll get infracted for it
Yeah that's exactly where I want the text. But I'm really crap with making it look nice with the rest of the sig =]
nvm, im just confused rite now @.@ So waht your trying to do is get rid of the balck box? If not what i usually do with text is just mess around with the different blending modes and mabye add a light shadow or outline.
o ok. Well i could try. If its saved as a PSD file u could get me that. Or you could upload the background part of your sig?
If you can get that sig without the text and the box, just the background, I can put the text on for you.
Yeah, you'd actually have to give us a version without the text or black box(if one comes with the other, for us to fix it.
Alright, but there's nothing there if I get rid of the black box... I haven't put a background behind it as that were it was intended for the text to go...
I've seen that picture before...from a tutorial. Did you follow the same tutorial? (Just wondering) And the text....looks like it's been reserved for others but if they don't do what pleases you, I could have a go. =D