Battered War Zone Created by KeebobBobagawa Supported Gametypes: All Gametypes except VIP Escort Story: Long ago, stories of this old, war scarred village went around that there are living things there. Now, many years later, we're here to see if those stories are real. Map Description Battered War Zone is my second version of my Heli VI map. I renamed it because no one was downloading it because they thought it was just a helicopter. The basic idea of this map is that there is a battle scarred village that is the focus of many legends. There was many non believers, so they finally came to the village via helicopter to disprove the stories. And that leads up to the battle. _________________________________________________ Basic Overview Helicopter Front View of Bunker Side View of Bunker Opposite Side of Map Teleporter to Sniper Spawn Sniper Spawn "Base" Flamethrower Tower Bomb Testing Area Creator Comments: It doesn't lag. Why do you just judge stuff before you play it. I put the bomb testing area to make it look neat. This is a war torn village where the army thought was completely in habited, so they test bombs there. _________________________________________________ So that's it, download and rate. Download BatteredWarZone
It looks lke you threw it together pretty quick. You should have taken more time making it "visually appealing", even though it's supposed to be "broken" it can only reach a certain level. It looks like a good fighting setting, I give it a 2/5
Pros: Bunker is really cool looking Flamethrower Tower is original Merging Cons Helicopter is unoriginal, not executed very well either Bomb Testing causes lag with all the explosions Some VERY messy interlocks The Pros balance all the Cons, so I will call this one a 3/5. -MattDGiant
Doesnt look that fun, also if its called "Battered War Zone" why does it looks so neat? Why are there drivable cars in a place that is supposed to be abandoned for many years? The last thing i dont like is... why are there still active bombs in a still active bomb testing area? Put some debreis or something.3/5 keep forging. Lolz the creator has a sword glued to his hand. Microsnip3... if you look closely at his left hand, hes not really holding it. probably forge or sumthing. And try to say sumthing about the map, i got in trouble alot for spaming.
Why is there a bomb testing area, this is suppose to be a competitive map. Anyway pretty nice interlocking, I didn't know what the helicopter was till I saw it said helicopter. I like the idea of the telepoter in the truck and not just sitting there. Overall this gets a 3/5.
The Bomb testing area is orginal but a bit of a problem. Like alot of people said it causes lag witch is cool. But seeing as you have very orginal ideas on here it makes up for it. Other than that nice work
I don't really like the Helicopter, and the map seems too open to be competitive. You need to improve the helicopter and the map, I don't even know the purpose of the Bomb testing site.
this looks really simple, i meen the houses are ok, but its just not "really" interesting and the layout looks just normal, and also constant explosions tend to make the game a bit laggy
I would take out the bomb area or make very few bombs, it looks like it would lag, it may not lag for you, but is there really much of a point for it? it just looks kinda pretty and make noise every 2 seconds. besides that it looks neat.
looks cool, uv got some gd ideas and looks ver detailed, the bunker loos very nicely don, gd job looks allot of fun