hey some new wings (this time w/ swords in em) and got some cool effects on the new pics here tell me what you think of these. Aurora Borealis Glowing General Radiation Elemental Night Old Skool
aurora borealis looks awesome (just like the hells last angel), but this time is more colorful. glowing general looks a lot like the hells last angel. I like the old timey on radiation, and elemental night is just damn amazing. I just think all of them are amazing, and look like a lot of time was put in these... I'm gonna dl these and show to my friends
k last one for this thread promise sorry to bug you guys again, but what do you think of this one? Pesticide
This pic is the best i have seen in ages! I can imagine this on bungie favourites becuase its soo good !! The wings look great and the background makes it exciting Great Job!
GEEZ that is absolutely gorgeous !!! well dont man. how do you make em float like that I cant figure out how the heck you guys do this,\ but man keep em coming the aura one is now my desktop background ^_^
The wings in the pic are a little sketchy IMO but otherwise you did a great job, and the other pics are very well done as well. I like those better than this one, but whatever, yeah you will definitely get DL's.