gameplay is really all that matters too, unlike most people, who just fill their map with random stuff just to make it seems like they put some time in it. i really like the sniper perch thing too
paulie im gonna nominate your map for the best map contest thing. Just though i'd let you know. it'll be under objective because one flag on it is fun.
i like the waterfall, and the interlocking but i also would like to see a weapons list and where you spawn, overall ill give it a 4/5
OM NOM! Yes zorz, a competitive map from Paulie! It has the beauty of your house maps and the solidity of a good competitive map. Yay.
thanks, the whole hpuse idea was getting really worn out, im going to continue making competative maps.
Woww, this looks like a very cool map. I will definitly check it out, man how long did it take you to make this? I would rate this map a 5/5 awsome job man
This map is amazing! Its really orginal and looks like it would pack amazing gameplay. I should make a video of it for you!!
thanks damarco, the rounds do go by fast but if there is a strong defense there can be some close games