Download Abolition Download Abolition Slayer Download Ghost Removal This is my latest map Abolition. The map has very smooth gameplay and is big and vercitile which allows for the 9 different gametypes. The map took my just over 26 hours to make so i am sure there are no glitchs or rough spots. There are two bases diagonal from eachother set up to create various routes to the other side for CTF or VIP. Then on each corner is a battle area with its own significance to the gameplay. The main attraction is the large base in the middle. This is a 3 story base with two of the power weapons hidden inside and tons of battle areas. there are also ledges on the 3rd lvl to open the gameplay up so you can interact with the outside. This is also great for 3Ball and Crazy/Team King. Weapon/Equipment List/Vehicles 2 Sniper Rifles 1 Rocket Launcher 1 Spartan Laser 1 Energy Sword 1 Energy Drain 1 Regenerator 1 Custom Power-up 1 Warthog 1 Mongoose GameTypes: FFA- This is one of my favorite gametypes for the map. Very fun with 8-10 players Team Slayer- Great gametype. lots of terrain to kill on, 8-12 players Multi Flag- Hands down funnest CTF ive ever played, not just sayin it, 8-16 players 3 Ball- This surprised me the most, very fun, 12-16 players Crazy or Team King- Many different lvls in the map, hard to reach spots, 8-10 players Assualt- Very unique set up, very very challenging, 4-8 players Territories- Pretty fun for territories, 12-16 players VIP- Also very fun to play on, 6-8 players INFECTION- Favorite gametype, super fun to play with my gametype Ghost Removal, Must try the map for at least this gametype. Red Base Yellow Base Battle Area 1 Sniper Base 1st and 2nd floor Top Floor Gameplay Pics So Download and play cuz im 100% sure you will love, feedback would be greatly appreciated. Download Abolition My GameTypes that you will need are Abolition Slayer Ghost Removal
It looks very structured. I like the buildings and fortress-y look it has. It looks good for a variety of gametypes. Looks like a good mix of close combat and sniping. Great JOb!
Looks like a very cool, complete, well thought out map. Looks very organized and has great interlocking! I'll DL and try it! Great Work!
looks pretty nice, you can sign up for free at Image hosting, free photo sharing & video sharing at Photobucket to inlarge your pictures and get a direct link of that picture MLG Carbon Sector v2
Quite good for a semi-interlocked map. There isn't interlocking everywhere but i suppose there doesn't need to be. The bases are simple and don't have too much firepower. Things to consider are: - Levelling out the floor in picture 6 - Adding a little more cover here and there where there are open spaces Overall, a nice map. Good work
Looks awesome and fun to pleh but the flag spawns are really wide open and you couldve interlocking all boxes instead of just some. great job though.
It has some descent interlocking but one thing you could do is interlock the the stairs into the boxes then it would be better but I'll give it a 4/5 because its a great idea.