Beaver Creek

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by thesilencebroken, Jul 9, 2008.

  1. J A Y

    J A Y Ancient
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    there is one thing that makes beaver creek for what it is, is the boundary. try and make sure that the boundarys all curved(in and out) this way it gives it a real aesthetic touch. On other remakes ive seen noticed that the big arch isnt round or very well made. Make sure yours stands out from everyone elses. I cant wait to see what it looks like :)
  2. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
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    thats already dually noted, but this map is gonna be a 50-50 on whether i even get it done. after just building red base, im questioning whether it can be done or not without skimping somewhere.
  3. J A Y

    J A Y Ancient
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    would you like some help? Im willing to give a bit of help, not alot because i have to make maps myself :p
  4. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
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    ill see when it gets more down to it. im just calculating in my head how many pieces will remain. cutting corners isnt something im into. itll be released in some manner, im just hoping for an exact.
  5. X5

    X5 Ancient
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    K, I went through and found the weapons and nade placements.

    1. Battle Rifle - Inside the base, in a "dip" that goes under ground.

    2. Sniper Rifle - Follow a path carved out of the side of the rock to the sniper ledge to get the sniper.

    3. Rocket Launcher - At the top of the Rock Arch.

    4. Shotgun - Under an overhang in the rock, in the water. You do not have to crouch to get to it however.

    5. Needler - 2 for each base, right next to the ramp going under the base.

    6. Plasma Pistol - on the ground next to the teleporters.

    7. SMG - On opposite end of the teleporters from the Plasma Pistol.

    8. Plasma Grenades x4- Under the base, right next to the ramp going above the base by the needlers.

    9. Frag Grenades x4/3- On top of the arch over the flag spawn at either base. On top of either base, on the roof.

    10. Magnum - under the base by the front entrance ramp.

    11. Plasma Rifle - On the right side of either base, toward the front.

    12. Over shield- under an over hang of rock in the river. Do not need to crouch to get.

  6. Zowabashi

    Zowabashi Ancient
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    I was thinkin of doing something special like this. Hell, I even made a whole layout and made sure I had enough boxes. I was running out at the end, and decided not to make it.

    I hope you can capture the beauty of Beaver Creek and the best features.

    Another thing I would like to see is you re-imagining parts that could be better. I don't mean load it with switches or things like that, but change the powerups on the map to different things, use different weapons that you like. (the switches would make it more funz).
  7. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
    Senior Member

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    thankkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk you. very helpful.
  8. The Real KingLS2

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  9. Celestial Panda

    Celestial Panda Ancient
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    Please please please make the bases as samey as you can. That was the best bit about Beaver Creek, and the worst part about remakes. The bases don't go up and down like they used too.

    Everything else has already been said, I think.
  10. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
    Senior Member

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    this project will not be done for some time. im taking my time while also making other maps.. i still question whether or not it can be fully done though... the materials are just too limited in amount. IE not enough boxes. im gonna try though.

    you dont have to worry about the inside of the bases... the roofs may have a little tweeking, but im doing my best.
  11. megathumbs

    megathumbs Ancient
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    you must be able to get on top and maby you could replace the windows that where on top above the flag in the original with pallets so you can break in through the top.
    #31 megathumbs, Jul 24, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 28, 2008
  12. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
    Senior Member

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  13. evan12075

    evan12075 Ancient
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    the ladder with the sniper rifle, the breakable windows on the roofs, the tunnels under the bases (I solute if you can find a way to do that.) of course the rocket arch. Dual Needlers (Oh boy do i miss those)
  14. Debo37

    Debo37 Ancient
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    Pallets would require a support, however, like a teleporter node. Since a receiver would block the majority of the window from being able to be naded, shot through, or seen through, I suggest you use four Weapon holders at each corner of the pallet to support it, if you do decide on using a Pallet. If not, and you're hurting for objects, I'd suggest just using a shield door. That way, the flag can still be tossed out the roof, but it's as if there was a semi-solid surface there like the breakable window.

    -In Beaver Creek I always seemed to have a problem when going up the Red Base ramp up toward the top of the arch: it was very difficult to jump from the little niche with the Magnum to the Rocket Launcher's spawn. I'd suggest you make that little jump easier.
    -It'd probably be wise to switch the dual Needlers outside the side base exit ramps into one Needler. :p
    -Keep the little "destroyed" barrier by said Needlers true to the original. I suggest geomerging a wall in at an angle so that you can still jump up it to access the roof.
    -Make sure there are no rendering flickers either, as I absolutely hate those.
    -Lastly, you need to come up with a name true to the naming pattern. It's always started with a B, and had Creek as the second part. Since you have no river (unless you recruit a modder, xD), the name should reference the fact that there is no river any more, as should the description. How about "Bone Dry Creek" or "Barren Creek?" With a description like "After the combatants abandoned these structures, the river and the rest of nature followed suit."

    Also, you've been saying "dually noted" instead of "duly noted." Dually means "with two." ;)
    thesilencebroken likes this.
  15. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
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    the insides of the bases are covered. the basement is taken care of, i spent a long time studying it. i am also not doing the Halo 1 version. i was never too into Halo 1 [yeah yeah, i know], so ladders are useless. ill be doing the ramps, IF i can. i may have to remove the sniper areas if i cannot get it right with what little ill have left. just dont expect a bungie remake and you cannot be disappointed too badly. lol

    hezeus christo

    i will probably end up using the shield doors, but ill try out the pallets first. i may or may not end up using the common river idea. depends on how bare it looks.
  16. Boydeh ..

    Boydeh .. Ancient
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    All my fondest memories of halo 2 are on zanzibar and lockout ..
    They were most probably the most popular maps on halo 2 but they were special to me :]

    Like on lockout i did my first no scope with a sniper from across the map .. I went crazy :]

    And zanzibar was the first map i did a super jump on.. The one in the window and you bounce to the roof of the building :]
  17. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
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    none of this had anything to do with my post... like not a word of it.
  18. Celestial Panda

    Celestial Panda Ancient
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    Plenty of cover. That was always quite useful in CTF.
    And also, the roofs of the bases. They were always good areas to snipe from.
  19. Camoflaug

    Camoflaug Ancient
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    silence im also making a remake of beaver creek if you want send me a friend request and we can give each other suggestions and stuff i want to see what im up against lol one suggestion is with the bases there different looking the cover on the bases where 2 pillers on each front corner the other a big block like thing in the middle front so use 2 dumpsters for the one base and a single box for the other. also i am wondering if you pushed your floor against the sides and if you geo merged everything into the wall like i did im sorta discouraged that your makin one 2 but oh well we could possibly team up but i dont know how far you are send me a PM about this.
  20. redearth

    redearth Ancient
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    For the glass you could use pallets. Techinally you can see through them if you look hard enough.

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