How Do You Hold No Weapons at all IN TDFs latest youtube video TrueDarkFusion Is Joto Libre Close it appears as if hes not holding a that just a glitch on Cold Storage or is it a way to get it on all maps... if this is really obvious Im srry...i know that if you kill an energy sword it appears as if you do not have a weapon but you still got that little thing in your hand.......just wondering....thanks....
I have a special game type my buddy gave me that was modded which lets you walk around with no weapons. He didn't make it though his friend actually did but it was for a good purpose, of course that would be machinimas.
Its not a mod,its a trick you can do in forge. Rummage around the vids section in FH i know i saw it there somewhere. Its something along the lines of holding a weapon in forge mode,having a friend pick it up and then delteing it...hold on ill get back to you in a sec
Nah If you do it that way your arms will look weird like behind your back. The one I have is an actual new modded game variant, and zoltan sorry I cant send it to you because my friend told me to show only my friends who I know best and trust. He didn't want bungie to delete because this could make a hugeee difference to machinimas. If you want I can send you a video from of a preview.
You may want to edit your post.Talk of modded content is prohibited by FH rules.Speaking form experience here. Though if you know how to do that one i was on about post a step by step for him as i think thats the one they used in that vid ie the one he wants
No i wouldn't want a video sorry. I'm actually getting into machinima's and am thinking about directing one soon, so yeah i'd like to have the mod, but a pistol works fine.
zoltan0 i want to do the friend and i want to get one going...and i was like YES when i saw the vid...u think the gametype will be on
Did you read anything? The game variant is brand new and it's modded why would it be on Anyways theirs only one game variant of it, theirs not like 2 or 3 just 1.
i read it yes...but do you think only one person in the entire world made think so...i was wondering if anyone else knew anyone with it....
the deleting the weapon while someone is picking it up works fine just like 70 percent of the time you get the hands behind your back and it takes a lot of practice to time it perfectly. i have gotten it before tho. keep in mind the one without hands cant be host and the one who is going gunless cant tell that he is it looks normal
Have you heard of any modded game variant's before? Im pretty sure this is the first and only of its kind. Sorry, but for now their is only one in till it gets leaked out to everyone. So just wait a little bit people will be showing their friends then their friends and etc.