Hi all EDIT: The links are now direct to the map and gametype. This is my second 1 player puzzle map, the sequel to Baron's Maze. It has developed from my experience and feedback on my first puzzle map. I have easily spent over 15 hours on its construction. My puzzle maps require some exploration and lateral thinking to progress through the puzzles. you must find and pick up the oddball to win the game. I have played a few other puzzle maps and I have found several common elements that I do not like. In my Mindtrap you will NOT find: > Glitching through walls by getting on a vehicle or a turret. > Teleporters that go to the next puzzle or a "deathchamber" > Messy Gaps blocked by teleporters. > Object messily placed to block progress. The Mindtrap does not *generally* put the player in danger of dying. I have included a sender at the start and a blocked receiver halfway through to act as a halfway point, so you never have to repeat too much if you do die. And I have set a useful object on delayed spawn in the first puzzle in case it is needed. My map also includes a flaming soccer ball. Which is awesome. I must stress that you have to use my Escape! 2 gametype when playing this map. You may have your own oddball gametype that you use for puzzles, they wont work. **You will not be able to solve one of the later puzzles without my Escape! 2 game variant** The map variant can be downloaded Here. The game variant can be downloaded Here. A game video showing the solution can be downloaded Here. Screenshots: The Mindtrap. The Start. The flaming Soccer ball. A Telecage. Room Go Boom. Id really like all of the feedback I can get on this map and gametype. Both good and bad feedback will result in higher quality maps in the future. My next puzzle map is designed for two players. Good Luck.
Re: Baron's Mindtrap - 1P Puzzle map About the fileshare thing... you won't get a download. Just make to posts in the forum's. One with the gametype and the other with the map and then link them to us.
Sounds clevar and I like the half way check mark but you need to fix your links so I and other people can download.
After trying this for ten minutes, I have to admit "mindtrap" maps probably aren't for me seeing as I couldn't even find the incendiary grenades at the beginning.
these maps make me :squirrel_rant: yet they are :squirrel_giggle: i always have to search the :squirrel_chatting: for a guide
Good post for starters. The downside is that this map seems a bit too unoriginal. I've seen similar ones before and this looks no different. I thought I was in a Mindtrap when I played this but I don't think it was the kind the map intended for. Good efforts though.
Awesome map! It took me and 2 friends about 30 minutes to solve it. We only used the video for the first part with the soccer ball. MAKE MORE MINDTRAPS!
DUDE JUST FINISHED THAT SOB... took me like an hour... killed myself about 17 thousand times... but.... in the end... it was worth it... .... I Love it... I am still trying to figure how you did things... i will probly go back in forage to see how you did it... but still its awsome.... I cant wait for part two... or another one...
i just ran through in about 20 min and i have to say good job i really like the flaming soccer ball you really put some thought into the map and i cant wait for your next puzzle
me and my friend were playing this and we didnt know how to get out of the telecages? This map is impossible i do not recomend this map to any with high blood pressure, anger management problems! Actually I dont recomend this map to anyone seeing as it is so Frustarating
Really cool maze. Love the flaming soccer ball. Lots of neat ideas in here. And don't let anyone discourage you about the difficulty. I thought it was just right. I had to do a good bit of thinking to get through this, and I admit, I had to watch the video to see the actual way of getting to the halfway marker. Make more...