Is it just me, or do all MLG maps look the same. . . maybe even all "Good" Competitive maps. Yeah, the layouts are obviously different from each other, but they all use the same kind of ideas. They all look the same. I dunno, can't think of a good word. Maybe the theme of competitive/MLG maps are the same. I'm not saying they are bad maps, most of them are good, but they all remind me of each other. Anyone have thoughts on this?
well there is only a few different ways of making a MLG map. Im guessing that you have only seen the 2-based symmetrical, eg. Onslaught and Hype. Then you have your 4-based symmetrical, eg. Stockpile and my new map that hasnt been released yet . Then you have your halo 1 style asymmetric maps. eg Hangout. Then there is 1v1 and 2v2 MLG maps. if you are looking for a MLG map its probably best if you look over to MLG pro
Kind of. But most of them are in Foundry, all the custom ones are at least. And it's hard to make them look different becuase of the surroundings, it will always be the same.
Being realistic, it's difficult to make competitive maps differently. Unlike mini-games or casual, you can't be creative and try new ideas, you need a map that houses all the competitive requirements.