Heros Boulevard

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Linubidix, Jul 11, 2008.

  1. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
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    D O W N L O A D
    Dont forget ratings and comments on Bungie.net.
    That'd be greatly appreciated.

    Okay, first off this is an updated version of my previous map, Boulevard. This will be a post of epic proportions.
    Considering that Boulevard was my 1000th and that it has returned updated and aesthetically pleasing as my 2000th. EPIC

    Boulevard -After seized by the UNSC for classified purposes, this once friendly suburban land lost all of its hospitality.

    Heros Boulevard - This land is paved with the memories of past heros and is the home where a legend was once born.

    The new description has a deep meaning. When Boulevard was orignally posed I became a Heroic member, memories of my time as a heroic member for me are highlighted through this map. And it has been renamed Heros Boulevard to symbolise my exit from Heroic Membership on Forgehub into Legendary Membership. Its been a great run, I promise I wont let you down as a Legendary Member.​


    I actually started creation of the original Boulevard in mid-April, as a way to kill time leading up to the Legendary Map Pack, I didn't originally intend or expect Boulevard to be what it is today. After about a quarter of the way through, I really got into it and began to really believe in it and I got my forge on. After months of tweaking and edting, I posted Boulevard on the 31st of May, which was my 16th birthday and as my 1000th post. It was received very well. It played magnificently but what it lacked was great aesthetics, which at the time were my weak point.
    After submitting Boulevard to the Marvel Map Review a few weeks ago, their comments kind of inspired me. After a brief converstaion with Tex in the 10,000 post countdown I decided then and there to edit and redo Boulevard but keep it relatively secret. Originally my 2000th post was supposed to be my map Pankration but I was too eager and decided to post it. When I posted it I was on 1960 and I didnt want to spam 40 posts.
    After it was posted I was racking my brain over what to do for my 2000th when it hit me to finalize Boulevard. It was a perfect idea, I loved it.
    When I had decided that Boulevard would make a triumphant return as Post 2000, I had about 20 posts till my 2000th. So the past couple days I've have been just forging my ass off. Appearing offline, rejecting invites, being secretive is what I've been like the past couple days. I really didnt want anyone to know about this, so when I did some brief testing I used JAYclash's clan, Team Impact, whom aren't members of Forgehub, I do believe.
    The only people who knew about this were JAYclash and Tex... Thanks for not leaking it guys.
    What was a huge honor for me was when JAYclash nominated Boulevard in Best of Forge in Slayer. Just to have nominated and placed next to some truely great maps was amazing. Thank you, very much, Jay. That meant a lot to me.​


    Boulevard was originally supposed to be a vague U shape, similar to how Avalanche is set out but during creation it was changed slightly. The Foundry bases are blocked off from Heros Boulevard. The defenders' half of the map, is a bit larger than the attackers' half. The Defenders spawn in a mid-size Fortress size type structure. TBH, the orignal defenders' base was ugly, it has been completely re-modelled. Its much wider, much smoother and a lot more aesthetically pleasing. Each of the open double boxes containing Teles have been merged into the ground slightly. A lot of areas have been edited, slightly but they did take quite some time. Walls have been straightened, boxes have been merged etc. it has taken a big overhaul and although the layout has barely changed, the structurals have been vastely altered. What makes Heros Boulevard 's gameplay so unique is the jumping possibilties. Almost every area has more than 1 exit/entrance. The secret walkways, the small almost unnoticeable ledges, are what make this map so unique and what make it flow so well. I'll let the screenshots do the rest.


    x 4 - Battle Rifle. Spare Clips - 2, Respawn Rate - 20 Seconds
    x 4 - Carbine. Spare Clips - 2, Respawn Rate - 45 Seconds
    x 1 - Shotgun. Spare Clips - 0, Respawn Rate - 120 Seconds
    x 1 - Sniper Rifle. Spare Clips - 2, Respawn Rate - 180 Seconds
    x 1 - Rocket Launcher. Spare Clips - 1, Respawn Rate -180 Seconds
    x 1 - Brute Shot. Spare Clips - 1, Respawn Rate - 90 Seconds
    x 1 - Spartan Laser. Respawn Rate - 150 Seconds
    x 1 - Machine Gun Turret. Respawn Rate -150 Seconds
    x 4 - Frag Grenades. Respawn Rate - 10 Seconds
    x 8 - Plasma Grenades. Respawn Rate - 30 Seconds
    x 1 - Bubble Sheild. Respawn Rate - 90 Seconds
    x 1 - Power Drain. Respawn Rate - 60 Seconds
    x 1 - Regenerator. Respawn Rate - 60 Seconds

    x 1 - Active Camo. Respawn Rate - 180 Seconds
    x 1 - Oversheild. Respawn Rate - 180 Seconds
    x 1 - Ghost. Respawn Rate - 180 Seconds
    x 1 - Warthog. Respawn Rate - 150 Seconds


    Heros Boulevard is set up for all gametypes.
    What seems to work very well on Heros Boulevard is a custom gametype made by myself.
    5, 3 minute rounds. AR & BR start. 3 lives per round. 1 point lost for each death. 1 point gained for each kill.
    It also works very well with Team Slayer, CTF, Assault.
    I dont ever recall playing Infection on it, so I couldn't tell you what its like for infection, if I did, I'd be lying.​


    So here's what all of the nubs only look at and what the true hubbers read/scroll to.
    Caption to each screenshot is below the picture.

    The new, updated defenders base. Now has the power drain instead if Regen.
    Notice the stairs in the ground.​

    The Defenders Tele Tunnel. *Now merged into the ground*
    That bit was a pain, I swear that double box had a grudge against me. For the most part, it refused to merge.​

    Looking towards the middle area, in between bases.
    The wall corner merged thing from the original has been removed.​

    A small turn to the left.
    The fence box-doube box structure has remained. It has been slightely moved.
    I briefly contemplated removing it but didn't because of the role it plays during games.​

    Looking into the middle lane, shotgun can be seen. If you cannot, its right behind where the pic was taken from.​

    Looking down at the middle lane.​

    A small turn to the right​

    Looking at the middle lane from above.
    What was originally a fence box is now a double box, it looks so much smoother and professional.​

    The back end of the defenders half.​

    Small overview of the crossover and the defenders half.​

    Overview of the attackers half.
    Merging that box wasnt the only thing done there.
    It was merged but then the wall corner, fence walls and sheild door had to be lowered accoringly. And the wall doubles on top of and next to it, had to be dropped slightly and interlocked.​

    Looking out from the Attackers half​

    If anyone questions that, I'll get you. It walks very smoothly. I cant tell you how many games I went through to get that Single box right. I would've been at it for at least an hour. Notice the boxes are now in the wall.​

    What lies aheas from the last picture. That fence box to the right of the picture is in the foundry wall btw. And this picture shows off the jumping possibilities in this map... The doors.​

    This was done for Asper, because I know how much he loves "needless" merging. Its a B sign in the crane, has that been done before?... I doubt it.​


    I'd like to give a props to Tex, JAYclash, the Marvel Map-Review and everyone of the testers.​


    If you didnt see the link up top...
    To download Heros Boulevard Click here


    As always, critisism is welcom and complements are valued.
    And about the Action pics. I find them obsolete. How do they help?
    I'd rather use my 20 possible pictures to show off the map, not the players. If anyone says something about Action Pics, dont be surprised if you receive neg rep.
    #1 Linubidix, Jul 11, 2008
    Last edited: Jan 12, 2009
  2. J A Y

    J A Y Ancient
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    Well we will all like to congratulate Linubidix and his 2000 post, he is now a Legendary Member of forgehub.

    I have been playing on this map for quite awhile now, i wasnt there all of the time when he was making Boulevard V1 because i wasnt really into forging but i really liked to play on what Linubidix made. When he made fracture i was amazed i thought he had made a great map. He then made Boulevard and Pankration, both of them were amazing as well.

    I always thought that Linubidix would post Pankration on his 2000th post, well as you can tell he didnt and he posted Boulevard version 2 aka. Heros Boulevard. I know hope he can make it even better with my secret idea.

    Now onto the map.
    Boulevard V1 was great, but you made it even better. My favorite part of the map is definatly the top walkways, i always have lots of fun sniping up there. The changes you made from version 1 have helped improve my secret sniping spot :p and have helped tweak gameplay to the maximum. The secret ledge from the sniper spawn to where you get ontop of the level has improved a lot, you can now walk across there smoothly without falling down. The defenders base has also improved so much, it looks better and plays better.

    I hope you can improve the map even more. Because i think you have topped it.

    Congrats again on becoming legendary :)
    #2 J A Y, Jul 11, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 11, 2008
  3. Smeagle

    Smeagle Ancient
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    Thank you so much for taking advice from my review.
    Its good to see our work going to good use.
    Great job on geo-merging alot, including the b-sign to crane, the double-box opens, and the fence boxes into the walls.
    Hopefully others will come to realize our helpfulness.
    Also, congrats on 2,000th post!
    #3 Smeagle, Jul 11, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 11, 2008
  4. Guitarmasta2

    Guitarmasta2 Ancient
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    for me the prettiest part is the stairs halfway in the ground

    nice work

  5. Randle Scandal

    Randle Scandal Ancient
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    Arrg... I wasn't first post for you Linu... It doesn't matter, congratulations on the 2000th posts! And nice map, glad you updated it!

    I see that you are quite the forger, and I really like this map. May I say, we welcome our newest Legendary Member! That's fantastic, your worth four rep points now xD! Now don't spend those all at one place =D. Anyway, see you around Linu, nice map, and congrats once again.
  6. the persister2

    the persister2 Ancient
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    this here looks really amazing has everything again, geo-merging, interlocking, balanced weaponary, great spawning system and perfectionized in every option.
  7. Mr. Skittles

    Mr. Skittles Ancient
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    OM NOM NOM this map looks amazing! Great job on another work of art, linu.
  8. ZANDER1994

    ZANDER1994 Ancient
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    This looks very complex. I absolutely love that middle structure. I'd download if I had more people to play with. 5/5 man. Oh and by the way, happy 2000 post. If I were in a semi truck right now, I'd honk my horn.
  9. Felshot

    Felshot Ancient
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    HOLY @!#$ that's a lot of !@#$#@ posts. :p

    The map looks fantastic. It's completely changes the look of foundry. It's very original and is exquisit on the looks. Though the one corner with the A sign looks a little underfernished by the pictures, but I'll DL and see hows I like it. 5/5
  10. sexy dude

    sexy dude Ancient
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    this is a well cool map i love it 10/10 i will be DL for sure
  11. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
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    i loved version 1.0, so 2.0 has to be even better, yes?
  12. BarkusTheMan 1

    BarkusTheMan 1 Ancient
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    There's not many words that can describe this map. Here are some that come close. Incredible, outstanding, fantastic, extraordinary, well you get the idea. Happy 2000th and keep on forging!
  13. Da Pig

    Da Pig Ancient
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    Nice map man! Must have taken you guys forever to merge all those objects. But it seems a little simple... It would be nice with some action pics too. But it's the gameplay that counts so I will download this and try it out. 4.5 for now.
  14. iTz Longshot

    iTz Longshot Ancient
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    #14 iTz Longshot, Jul 11, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 20, 2008
  15. TrustierToaster

    TrustierToaster Ancient
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    lol nice job u did a lot of serious merging. My fav part is prbbly the defenders base. Its very original and is beautifully merged and symetrical. Good job on the 2000 posts and merging with the crane, although it hs been done before, i can't remember which map.
  16. Tex

    Tex Ancient
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    Woah-Ho-Ho now, don't you dare fall off the front page already, my precious fallen heros.

    I can't believe how epic that post was, to be honest, I completely read it, I couldn't stop as a matter of fact, even though, I know I have to sleep in like...15 minutes.

    At first, when viewing through the pics, I thought to myself "What exactly did he change?" But then I found a nice little thing underneath the pictures...Text...

    You've obviously done a lot of the "little things" as it were, which is one of the most important things to edit in a map. I'm really glad to see so many done to a map.

    Most indubitably the most epic 2,000th post to date, and I hope to see more epic win maps in the future.

    P.S. Thanks for the comments about me ^_^
  17. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
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    Yeah the top walkways were something included early on. I loved the idea, it hasnt been executed very well in the past. And I never really liked the previous Base the defenders had. The truck in the original was placed kind of a filler of space.

    You guys were very helpful, it really kind gave me that last motivational push to remake Boulevard. Thanks, I'll be submitting Heros Boulevard soon.

    I know weapons. I use all of my knowledge when making maps, I really found that the weapons in this map were never an issue. WHen I had a forgethrough of the original, I saw so many things that needed to be fixed. So I was doing some serious Forging the couple days prior to posting this.

    NOOOO, dont eat mah mapzors.
    Thanks, I really believe Heros Boulevard is so much more aesthetically pleasing.

    Its actually not that complex, after a game or 2, you learn your way around. But after several games, you learn the tactics of the map.

    Yes. It is much better.

    How about Epic? I'd go with EPic, but all of those suit just fine too.

    How would action pics help? Honestly.
    I'd rather use my 20 screenshot limit to show off the map not the players.

    Meging with the crane has been done plenty of times, just I can't ever recall seing a B sign merged with the crane. And yeah, I love the new Defenders base. Its now how I originally had invisioned it.

    You're welcome.
    This was only the third 2000th post, so yeah, I guess so. 3rd time's a charm.
    A lot of the editing is subtle, but those that remember Boulevard can notice all of the changes made. I wanted to bring it back to life and sprikle it in awesome sauce, I reckon I've accomplished that.

    Thanks guys.
  18. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
    Senior Member

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    i played a round on it. it plays infinitely better than the first one. That one played well too, but this one blows it away. i will definately keep it on the HD for a very very long time. :D
  19. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
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    Thank you, that's my goal. For it to be one of those maps that's always there.
    And a possible feature
  20. Furious D 18

    Furious D 18 Ancient
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    I played a 3 player FFA Slayer and a 3v3 1 Flag CTF on this map today.

    I liked them both, but it did seem a little easy to capture the flag. It would have ended 2-2 but I decided not to score and instead waited for someone to show up so I could get a flag beatdown. My shenanigans cost us the capture, and we were unable to get the flag again before the round ended. My teammates were not happy.

    But it's a very nice map. BTW, the teleporter thing is epic. I was like, "ok, I teleport through here and I come out here... so I go back in and teleport back to th... wait, what? How the hell did I get here?"

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