Map : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing Gametype : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing Please vote in the poll. If you marked anything below ok plz tell me why so i can improve on my other WIPs Zombie Start Fortress 2! is set in the new Cold Storage map. (assuming your using the included gametype) 25% of players will start as zombies in the room with the Pure form. the rest [humans] will start in the hallway leading to the room with the large window the goal is for the humans to stay alive as long as possible in the three rooms provided. At first the zombies might get frustrated because there looks like there is only one way in but if they look carefully in the room they spawn in and use their zombie given abilities they'll find a better way in. Map good for 5+ players Please leave feedback. This IS my first map that ive posted on Bungie and put effort into. Suggestions for a v2 would be awesome. More Pictures (if there is a limit to pictures ill remove a few) Human Start Human Main Base (Front) Human Main Base (Back) Fallback Pos. 1 Last Man Standing Fallback Zombie alt. back entrance And if the Zombies come right away before you make it back to base, you can attempt to blow them to bits if they come through there Please download and rate. Thanks thebeastlyboy15 EDIT: I noticed that some of you said that it LOOKS boring or w/o because the map is JUST a bunch of barriers thrown around. They are not thrown around and some of you need to just stop judging by a maps 'cover'. Everyone I've played the map with have said it was fun. (and meant it) I do know that the Last Man spot is too much and i Will be getting rid of that because a lot of people camp that spot when i play on it. Also, why does the Gametype have more Downloads then the map????
YES! Finally I can do this: This post is not up to Forgehub's standards. Please visit this sticky thread before you post again, and when you do read, please fix this post: Click here
Hey. Dont mean to double post but this is how you add screenshots. 1)ImageShack® - Image Hosting 2)click browse and find your picture 3)hit host it 4)click the smaller version of the picture 5)right click the large image and hit properties. 6)then, copy the address(URL) shown. THE PICTURE WILL NOT SHOW IF YOU COPY THE ADRESS STRAIGHT FROM THE PAGE. 7)press insert image on a forgehub thread like your map and there you have it. Keep forging.
hey im not gonna flame you or anything, im just gonna download the map and see what its like from that. But really you should have the screenshots when you post, otherwise it gets bad first posts and tends to get ignored, next time please wait before you post until you have screenshots up and working
im no noob at uploading pics to the internet or anything, but next ill remember to post pics when i first post it. again sorry. they should be on in a few minutes.
Uh... Ya, you said that an hour ago and... NO PICS. I would show you how to do it, but skittlemeister beat me to it =P EDIT: Never mind, they just popped up. 8X
ya sorry about that, i had a photobucket account and had a weird username, and since i havent used it for so long....i forgot it. made a new one and now my pics are up. plz tell me what you think, i want to come out with a v2 if i get enough suggestions for change.
from the new pics I can see that there is nothing special, just weapons and barricades, try light effects and better balanced weaponary.
it looks like just cold storage with some barricades and a gravity hammer. there's nothing that makes this map unique or that would make it good for infection
From what I'm viewing, and from what I will see in the time to come, there are SO many unintelligent posts stating that you need pictures, or you need interlocking, geo-merging, aesthetics, etc... Why won't you members grow up? This forum IS NOT, so don't you dare bring your bad habits to this website. It's absolutely sickening to see members just post a one to two sentence comment that either flames, or completely singles out someone just because the map doesn't look pleasing enough. You newer (and some old) members fail to realize that a map variant isn't about aesthetics (unless it's in the aesthetics sub-forum), it's about sole gameplay. Looks are just something to make it more flashy. I will be watching this tread, as i do for many others, so back off on the stupid posts.
just because it looks like a bunch of barricades thrown in places doesn't mean it sucks. me and a few friends (5-7 people) played this and it was pretty fun. also, if anyone has any ideas for a v2 please post them, cause half of the main room has extra room.
yeah, after i played a few rounds w/ some friends i noticed that. when i release v2 i'll change that. what do you think i should put there? any weapons at all, or just some fusion coils to push down the stairs?
should the last man have camo enabled? if yes, then should i make it so there is really no special place for him/her to hide