This is the fifth and last Endurocross map I built, but it doesn't mean I going to stop building race map. This map is my favorite and it is different from the other four map. This is the only Endurocross with complete go around track, which you can do three laps to finish the game, but I built two different Version of it. The First is my old way just like the other four maps, the Second is the VIP which is perfect for almost any race tracks in Halo 3. This map took me almost a week to build and test drive with help of My test riders, My guest and My clan member cOLD I fAtE. I also Strongly recommed people to Download the Game Variant with the Maps. To DL the VIP version of Endurocross 5 click : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing To DL the My old Version of Endurocross 5 click Game Variant for VIP Version click Game Variant for Old Version click If You want to see the other Endurocross maps click It will take you to the file share (PS The fourth is not on the list Cause it a failure, If you want me to fix it just send me a reply) Here the Pictures
Great first post here on forge hub and you posted the map right too. Nice interlocking and awesome racetrack. 4.5/5
well the race track seems very difficult but very fun i will dl and i would like to see how the other endurocross maps look like
aww you are going to stop making these. there such a great challenge of racing. anyways this one is probably one of the best. 9/10
Hmmm. It's a map to test even the best racers. Looks really difficult, and fun. For your excellent efforts I will give you 4.5/5 and DL.
Yeah THis is my last Endurocross I am finish but I not to stop building maps AND IN case you are wonder why the other four maps was created by different guy,... This is TheOffroadDude as TexasMarksman33 with a new account
I love it. I had a lot of fun testing with/for him. U might recognize some parts from Endurocross 3 but it is awesome. 5/5. See ya online Texas