Man. . . I joined back in February but I never really posted until now. Soo . . . lemme introduce myself. My xbl gamertag is JWeiner_1 and I enjoy forging (what else?). I have had halo 3 since release, and I mostly do custom games and forge ( with some matchmaking). When forge hub started, I loved it and use it to get my fix of new custom maps and tips. I am currently working on an infection map that is to be named, and I think that is a good enough intro . . . I hope. I'll be looking forward to this and PLEASE DON'T HATE ME OR ANYTHING!!
First of all, Welcome to Forgehub We are the best forging community. You wont be hated around here unless you spam, double post, forget to embed pictures and the biggest of all abuse people with words. I hope you have a fun time making your infection map and good luck.
Too late,you like infection so i have to hate you XD Kidding aside welcome to....the forums! Hergh um...hazza...someone else post now plox :S
Hehe,if i started,then other people would and then this thread would be a whinefest so i wont. Suffice to say,ive played some stupid variants But hey if you make a fun,balanced'ish infection game ill play
Well, I'm planning on making a gametype where zombies have no shields and humans have a unlimited weapons cache . . . jk It will be in stages that will give humans more weapons as they go farther to counter the increasing number of zombies, within reasonable limits. I have a side project also for more competetive games, but that is for taking a break from the infection map.
Welcome. Agreeing with the poster above, if you don't go against the rules, you won't be hated. I also would like to wish you the best of luck on your maps too. I swear, if I could get a decent infection I would play it more often.
Just for that i now love you.Can i haz your phone number?! Hehe good luck making your map.What your planning is suprisingly hard,believe me,ive tried...not that im that great a forger but we'll see what you make
well, good luck, my maps are supossidly terreble due to me nt knowing how tointerlock... ( dont know how) yeah my only thing against forgehub is that it seems everyone cares only about interlocking... but good luck
hey man if you make a balanced infection map you will be a god so many people have tried but it is near impossible and yet it still is fun to try and challenge yourself i was thinking maybe you could make a switch that spawns after 3 minutes to give acsess to an easier to defend area to help even out the odds maybe