Overall (Front): Overall (Rear): Hey everyone =) Just as i explained in the thread here it has the basic ship layout. First, and second floor, engine room, and cockpit. Fully explorable of course, and spacious. non-comparable to most ship maps! The max player amount is 10. Reason because i dont like to have spawns on top of each other. I like the spawns to be out of the persons line of sight. Show me a map that has 10 spawns, and that doesnt show another person right in front of you as you spawn. As far as Equipment and Weapons, you'll find a Shotty, two or three battle rifles, and a sniper, two plasmas and one hidden Flame Grenade . A bubble and Regenerator are the only two Equipment Available. Any additional info? Leave a comment. Thanks guys.
If you ask me, it looks more like a bird with the 'wings'. The wings are like buldgey which throws it off. Other than that, looks pretty cool.
Thank you for the criticism. i just threw out a name quick. thinking of a name for a map is by far one of the hardest things to think of. =) thanks again
looks like a carrier to me. i really like the spines that you put on the back. Makes it look kind of like a hunter.
I can't see the interior, so I can't judge on that basis. The exterior needs a lot of work in my opinion. The design is ok, but the construction seems to be sloppy. I see lots of spots on the aft of the ship where interlocking could have come in handy to level things evenly. From what I can see, the wings also appear to be on different planes - the wing nearest to the tree is bent upward.
yeah, i agree with groeper you should post some pics of the enterior, especially since you said it is spacious
I think its great because its an original ship. It is not the normal, frigate boxy ship that everyone posts. It actually contains some shiplike elements to it.
Ya, it's a turtledove! Lol. On topic: Looks cool but I can't check it out in-game cuz I broke my tv the other day.
Definatly an original idea, though the exterior of the structure could use a bit of work, most of it looks a little sloppy and uneven but a bit of interlocking here and there would definatly help. I like the spines on the back though, as SlacheI2 said it makes it look like a hunter.
wow thanks guys, been a while since i last checked this post. But in response to e-groeper yeah i know interlocking wouldve been nice if i knew how to do it then ^^ i do now of course. Just take a look at the other maps posted on my file share. i have a pretty nice one coming up soon. lots of interlocking with a not-so-complicated design. This ones a FFA/TS map though. Ive had my share of ships. complicated bastards. haha but yeah. Thanks everyone who commented about my map. Means a lot.