this is my HEad to head collections of vechiles and them being..... well head to head lol here is ther descritons and pictures #1 well this happened when i was playing one of those infection games on sandtrap were the human get vechiles and make a convoy and the zombies are really fast, yah u all know wat i am talking about lol well i was rear ending the person infront of me with my worthog and my tire magicallly melted into the ground then popped me up and i went tire over tire into the air lol and i got this awsome Screen shot #2 Well this is the scond one were on the covenet in coop my freind nicko2003 , who is a FH meber, and i gliched into a AA wrath, well he did and i got a normal wraith and we took a screen shot #3 well me and nicko also took a couple more #4 this is another one we took that is not really head to head but is kinda funny and its called fat kid piggyback lol that is my head to head picture pak PS: I CANT SPEEL! SO DONT MAKE FUNN
in the last pic it looks like they're mating. i guess it's going to be a cross breed that shoots out normal sized wraith blasts except they're as fast as anti air ones. nice pics.