What are you all asking for/ buying for Christmas? (or whatever you celebrate =p) 1. ViewSonic 19'' HD Monitor 2. A Controller for 360 3. Muse CD or Nintendo DS
1. Renegade Ultimate Gaming Chair 2. Halo 3 Soundtrack 3. Contact Harvest 4. Ghost of Onyx 5. Messenger kit
New Snowboard ;D Assasins Creed Rock Band Rubics Cube Weezer Demo cd More but I dont feel like remembering it all
New compy w/ capture card/tv tuner (gaming rig, so thats it since it costs roughly $2,000 ) specs: 750 watt sli ready power 2gigs ddr2 corsair ram-800 mhz intel core 2 quad processer-2.66 ghz, 1066 mhz fsb, 8 mb cache 64 bit windows vista nvidia geforce gtx 8800 video card (sli ready)-768 mb 680i lt core 2 quad sli ready motherboard (upgrading soon)-soundblaster live! 24 bit sound card Oh, and Crysis...W00T!
lol, i know..games a BEAST..although i did hear that it could be run on XP DX9.c on low settings. But who wants low settings? besides..i need to rid my life of this Celeron piece of junk lmao :
Itouch xbox live mem games music stuff Wow u guys must be rich a gaming laptop geez i asked for one and i cant get it
Call of Duty 4 Rock Band a laptop (if I am lucky) Ok FBU what is with the cat avatar. It is getting cat spit all over my screen!
Footballs/Basketballs iPod Clothes --Under Armour --Jeans --Hoodies Expensive Cologne (I don't know how to spell it...) Call of Duty 4 Money
O perfect...um i dont need anything...I still have $300 from last Christmas. What should I get since I have a big screen TV, Laptop, Ipod, pretty much everything...What should I get
I am planning on getting/receiving a new ipod/phone (i have both but they are really outdated and want to update, considering getting a phone with music to knock out both but outside of the iphone i dont know of a phone that can hold that much music). Super Mario Galaxy Chat Pad Accessory need a new headset and get the chat pad for a little extra iTunes or Microsoft gift cards A few smaller accessories and stuff
how dare you bash the Wii, your just mad cause you are going to be missing out on Super Mario Galaxy and Super Smash Bros Brawl. I got a new Macbook Pro last year and love it and Leopard.