No Way Out Created by ENFORCER JO3 Supported Gametypes: Sticky Fiesta Map Description Your in a 2 story building with spike nades and plasmas that automaticlly respawn. There are some short barricades on level one to run behind for a little cover. Then if you go up stairs there are "A" and "B" signs for alot more cover for advance sticking. _________________________________________________ Level 1 Level 2 Overshield to prvent un wanted kills that arn't stickies _________________________________________________ The object of the game is to stick eachother if you beat down or assinate one another you lose points. If you go on a sticking spree or a killing spree as you call call it you get bonus points. Download No Way Out Download Sticky Fiesta
there isn't such a thing as a sticky spree nut any way this is a cool map i will give it that it is like indoor house dougeball well done good forging
I made this type of map awhile back. I'm going to remake it. I think these type of maps need to be open, or only a few corners. It may help you get better with stickies with all the cover, but it kinda takes away form the fun a bit.
i like dodgeball maps especially ones mith no cover but this seems awefully small for dodgeball i like it though it'd be better for another mini game though =)
Epic. Some good forging there, along with the second floor that looks like some sort of carnival mirror room. Looks fun, and I will download. But it looks a bit to small.
The fact that its so small almost makes it a different kind of game than most dogeball maps good job.
But there have already been a lot of open ones and it is good to try one indoors. However if it is indoors you should only use snike grenades. Plasma ones have splash damage which would be cheap.
Looks pretty fun but the area needs to be widened up and the a and b signs need to be neatened up. 3/5
As a response to the guy that quoted me: I'm not against an Indoor map, By open, I meant little to no cover, not outside.
Is there more than one way upto the second floor? If not - one person could stand atop the stairs and stickie everyone from relative safety. Also, is it suggested that we use Regenerating Grenades?