Anyone here ever play 'Crash Bash'?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Weremidget, Jul 9, 2008.

  1. Weremidget

    Weremidget Ancient
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    One of the less popular installments in the PS1-originated Cash Cow, Crash Bash was a collection of Mini Games built around the Crash Bandicoot level style and universe.

    One such Mini Game involved a grid about 10x10 and all four players on Pogo Sticks, and when you hopped over one of the squares on your grid it changed colour. You had to get as many blocks to your colour as possible, and then cash them in by jumping on certain squares, before the time ran out.

    Which brings me to my idea for a rough Halo parallel: FFA Territories.

    There's no way to make Territories FFA, so I though 'Just have four teams of 1' and that made me think of Multi Team Territories which could also be cool.

    So 4 teams of 2 in Territories. There's no way really to 'Cash in' the territories you control, so I think it would have to be done by a time limit, the team with the most territories held at the end of, say, five minutes is the victor.

    There would be up to 8 Territories, I think a minimum of 6, and they would take 15 seconds to control and not lock after conversion.

    Sound like an alright idea? Are there any fatal flaws I've forgotten to take into account?

    Let me hear your thoughts, wise people of Forge Hub.
  2. Weremidget

    Weremidget Ancient
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    Not one reply?
  3. Dragoncoals

    Dragoncoals Ancient
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    Sorry, but I have to give you an infraction for that double post.

    And I haven't played it.
  4. Weremidget

    Weremidget Ancient
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    It's k, perhaps I'll get a decent reply to make it worth it, hahah.
  5. Jake Pajamas

    Jake Pajamas Guest

    I think it sounds like a cool and chaotic idea. I'd be willing to a test the map once you have it made. Sounds fun!
  6. oberlin

    oberlin Ancient
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    Sound like a good premise.... Whats the catch?
  7. Dragoncoals

    Dragoncoals Ancient
    Banned Senior Member

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    The only catch is that the cake is a lie.

    I was going to infract you for spamming ... but you're an admin, so there's no such option :p
    #7 Dragoncoals, Jul 11, 2008
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 11, 2008
  8. Weremidget

    Weremidget Ancient
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    Uhh yeah, no catch. It might not play all that well, I'm not entirely sure yet. I'll make up a variant on one of the built-in maps for starters and try to get a game on it.
  9. !nikheizen

    !nikheizen Ancient
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    I'd say 15 seconds is way too long, it would just end up with people feverishly camping the territories that they own, and no one would be able to get territories unless they got really lucky(due to other folks running in and damaging them during the course of the capture). To win, your K/D would have to be at least 1.5, unless you got really lucky.
  10. Weremidget

    Weremidget Ancient
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    Yeah, that's why I'm thinking 8 territories. Then you could only have 1 person holding a territory and have 2. You'd have to move around and control them. It would need to be a big enough map to cater for 8 territories and spawning for 8 people, but also not too big as to make a capture guaranteed.
  11. wavydave1

    wavydave1 Ancient
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    Sounds real fun.. I remember when I used to play Crash Bash with my mates all of the time. We would play on it for hours. Good luck with the map idea though sounds great fun, I'll help test (my Gamertag is Dave the Rave52), but shouldn't the capture time be instant? Because if my memory is correct as soon as you bounced on the squares they were captured.
  12. Weremidget

    Weremidget Ancient
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    Well I'm not really doing a remake of that mini-game, I'm just trying to experiment with a Multi-Team Territories gametype.

    Thanks nonetheless for your input.
  13. x black kn1ght

    x black kn1ght Ancient
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    I tired to make a game type similar to that on sand trap with warthogs which worked out pretty good.
    Your idea sounds alot better and I would like to see it developed.

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