Long after the human-covenant war, earth began deconstruction of many military facilities, now only one stands. Deconstruction is a map with many different playing fields. There is the main arena, which everyone spawns in, its a nice little FFA arena. If you find the hidden passages in the ground you can escape the caos to a system of underground passages that you can replenish your sheilds, gather ammo and head out to the second battle feild. The second battle feild looks like a non-symetrical (nothing is the same on either side) two on two arena, but you still use it for what ever game type you want, Preferably FFA, or double. The second battle feild has a plethera of weapons, including hammer, flamethrower, and a few others. In the center of that battle feild, there is a teleporter that leads you to the long hallway in the back of foundry where a sword sits, this makes for great hallway shoot outs to grab the sword and take control. Dont fret, the teleporters can take you back to the battle feild once you want to. Other qualities are a mongoos and a ghost. Many weapons vary, including smgs, pistols, brs, sniper, shotgun, rockets. here are some pictures: Here is the starting FFA arena, passages are located in the ground here is an outside overview of the FFA arena Overview one of outside battle field number two Here is the long hallway If you run into a problem, like spawn placement, or anything, just tell me and ill try and fix it. Im working on a king of the hill variant that proves to be pretty cool so far. Ill add it when im done. Download here
I like it, its very unique. The multiple battlefields are a very cool feature, and I have never seen anything like it before. It allows fighting across multiple fronts. 4/5 for originality. I will DL and respond
very orig. nice interlocking, good layout, still kinda confused as of the the stacked boxes but i will download and respond. NOX IGNIS ITALY
Looks nice but I don't think this should be in competitive map. I think it would be better suited for the casual forums, it sort of looks like a zombie game.
I like the idea, it is a unique concept. Makes people think on where to move over and over instead of the same thing. 4/5 for originality.
The name of the map caught me,but i was a little dissapointed of the map.It does have nive and neat interlocking a geo merging but it seems bland and open.maybe make a v2 with more stuff and some crazy ideas.2.8/5
Well i will work on a v2, try and make the arena more tight nit, and add more geo-merging and ect to the battle feild.
I really like the concept of this. I havent played it yet, but it looks awsome! I really like the use of the back hallways. Well done