Hey guys this is my second topic/post here, before i made some errors posting my map now i fixed them all. i also fixed up the map and took someones idea to take off the sniper and BRs, add 1 BR where the sniper is and put headshots on. Here it is Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing and i also made 2 CoD4 gametypes called Team Deathmatch and Team_Deathmatch which you can get here Bungie.net : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Share (sorry didnt make a topic on bungie.net for these, didnt know if you needed too) the only difference between the two gametypes are one has Headshots enabled and the other one doesnt. they should be right under my cod4 Shipment map. then map goes with the gametypes so please download both/all. the map is probably crummy without the gametypes.i also have some pics this is side A and that little forklift with the window pannels on the side is suppost to be the car in the grass on cod4 side B and it has those dumpsters and the little creat of pallets from cod4 This is the main view of the middle. side view of the middle, and theres the BR (used to be sniper) spawn. The brute shot that spawn in the middle in that open crate. On each side (side A and side B), theres an open crate like in cod4 this is what they look like.SMG and trip mine spawns here. On each side of Shipment theres one closed crate and one open crate. this is what they look like and also the shotguns spawn inside of the open crate and two grenades. This is what part of the back sceney looks like. This is the other part of the back scenery. Note: fusion cores fall down from the sky every 2-3 mins to create noise and cool looks and all. Just in case someone gets out of the map(which wont happen if you play on the CoD4 gametype), there are teleportors in the back behind the doors, when you go through teleportors the recever node is here, right in the center of the map. Im so sorry i dont know how to make the picturse any bigger. Im doing what everyone says and it comming out the same. i had to add weapons on the map because if i didnt, the map would be boring and all. Weapons/equptment: 2 SMGs (1 extra clip,30 respawn) 2 shotguns (0 extra clips, 120 respawn) 1 brute shot (1 extra clip,180 respawn) 2 assult rifles (1 extra clip, 45 respawn) 1 battle rifles (1 extra clip, 150 respawn) 2 tripmines (kinda like claymores, 30 respawn) 2 flare (kinda like flashbangs 20 OR 30 respawn) 6 frag grenades ( 20 respawn each) NEW: i took the sniper off and both BRs and replaced the sniper with 1 BR and in one of the game types i enabled headshots so it fits more. I added the brute shot because it kills in 2 direct kits and kinda resembles the grenade launcher/RPG. shotgun,brute shot, and BR are "the power weapons" on this map. but im still not sure about the BR i may take it off in the future if it doesnt work well but it should be a sniper like weapon is you play on "Team_Deathmatch" because headshots are enabled. In the Team_Deathmatch gametype you start off with a (NEW) SMG,a magnum and 0 grenades. ( before you started with a BR and magnum and 0 grenades). -headshots on(so the BR is like a sniper and a power weapon), -melles are on hit kill (like in cod4 with the knife), -dammage resitance is 150%, -no shields, -highest gravity (so you cant jump high) -and lots of other things i changed so it almost plays like cod4. also plz dont say things like this "this is forgehub.com about halo 3 not cod4", "cod4 suxx" ,"i rather play cod4" because i agree on almost of those thing. i dont realy like cod4, halo is way better and all i just liked this 1 map from cod4 and i was realy boared today. and thanks to anyone who actualy downloads and plays it or whatever. also another thing i made secenery out side the map like i put warthogs and trucks and made fusion cores fall out side the map like every 3 mins to make the map more cool. note you cant get outside the map is you play on my cod4 gametypes or else its VERY easy to get outside. p.s. i know my spelling suxs im real sorry
Welcome to forgehub! The map looks pretty like a good COD4 map but next time save the bigger picture or the pics will be small.
To make the pics bigger go to bungie.net and go to your picture, THEN OPEN IT UP, and save. You might be saving the Screenshot Viewer size.
First off, please use grammar. It makes your posts look professional and makes it seem like you care. Second, pictures are to small so could you please edit to make them bigger? From what I can see though, it looks very clean. 3.5/5
You can just click "edit" at the bottom of the post. Then you can fix any mistakes, such as embedding or grammar. But I have played the CoD4 map, and it looks like an exact match! Great job, I'll download.
i have to say. How long did it take you? It looks like a map like shipment could be made in minutes, but it looks like you put detail into the map, like every little barrel is placed. So i guess you deserve a "good job" for this. Although there is no interlocking, witch you could have used to make a barrier
It took me a good 1 hour-2 hours. And I dont understand what you mean by "interlocking" and making barriers for what?
the pictures are small, but I'm not blind, the map is very plain and overpowered, try making a new version that includes: -more and improved cover -balanced weaponary
What exactly did you update this from? your pics are very small but from what i can see the spawn points looks abit thrown around and maybe you could tidy them up abit. Btw wouldnt a rocket resemble an rpg more than a brute shot because a direct hit from an rpg on cod4 is instant kill but there is still splash damage even if you miss.
If you wish to make a V3 Shipment you could use mine for REFERENCES , my map "UNSC Shipment" has been deemed one of the best shipment remakes out there, Your map surpasses other shipment maps on Bungie.net out by far for using adding detail and such , good job.
looks like a map i've aready made because its easy as hell to make damn man. why dont u try to push beyond the norm for a bit like try to make bloc or something harder then frickin' shipment i made that level in a half an hour and anyone with half a mind could too.
Well I think you did a pretty good job but you could never actually recreate shipment on foundry unless you did....nevermind. Well anyeway it looks ok but many of these have been made.