DOWNLOAD LINK Works best with 4-8 players. Bringing back fast paced gameplay to Halo 3, I present you my version of how Cold Storage should look like. I'm not going to describe it all that much since you probably already know the original map design, but I have added several ledges and barriers for cover and navigation purposes. The most important addition to my version is the ledges around the middle with lots of different ways to escape from bottom to top. By doing this the gameplay speeds up drastically making sure there'll be action around every corner. Furthermore I obviously changed the weapon set to strictly MLG weapons focusing on the competitiveness of the map as always. Spawns should also be as close to perfect as possible keeping in mind that there's always a risk of spawning behind a player if most of the map is contested. I'll let you download it and hopefully get you as excited playing it as I did. After changing a couple of things after the constructive critics I had, I really feel confident with this and truly believe it's going to be the prefered FFA variant of the map if it gets the necessary attention on the different forums. WEAPONS: 5 x Battle Rifles (2 clips, 10 second respawn) 3 x Carbines (2 clips, 60 second respawn) 1 x Mauler (0 clips, 60 second respawn) 6 x Fragmention Grenades (30 second respawn) 6 x Plasma Grenades (30 second respawn) PICTURES:
seems like a good MLG map. just curious why the carbines respawn on 60? or do the carbines respawn on 60 for mlg maps?
i like the added platforms it should make for some changed game play and better movement through the level 4.5/5
Yes they do. Also, I wanted the main weapon on the map to be the battle rifle, and the carbine more of a secondary .
I do not like when people post ffa or mlg maps and just show picture after picture of empty rooms with just weapon changes and a few minor terrain changes. All I think these maps need is a weapons list and one embbeded picture.
This looks like the solid MLG map. very well thought out weapon placment. I think the pictures with the "empthy rooms with only weapons" are very helpful.
yea i agree with that this map just seems so bland and plain there are not very many weapons and few changes other than weapons it looks like it might be fun i will at least try it out first
looks like a good map. i like how you didn't over-do it. very simple, yet there are subtle changes that would change the gameplay. 5/5
This map wasn't made to show of any interlocking skills, neither forging in general. It's a strictly competitive FFA map, therefore I thought showing the weapon placements and removal of other items seemed pretty urgent. It doesn't hurt to have a couple of extra pictures .
sorry but it looks uninteresting and boring... it just looked liek you interlocked some walls and did some geo-merging ( by the way was pretty good if i do say so myself) no download.... i kno u cant do much on cold storage but check out this map NightShift... he came up with this great on using teleporters as stepping stones... try and get some ideas from that! Good luck peace Edit: I rate this map a 3/5... try for some more aesthetics good luck peace!
This map wasn't made to show of my interlocking skills and neither forging in general. This a strictly competitive FFA map, and therefore I did what I felt was needed to make a faster paced gameplay. Stepping stones are pretty stupid for competitive maps to be honest, and I have no intentions to copy other's maps.
looks quite good, some places u could hav aded more but wat uv done has changed the game play allot and made the map allot better good job
wow snarl... im just tryin to help... u dont have to bark at me.... if you dont like wut i have to say... just tell me calmly next time.Sorry i tried to help. You dont have to worry about me doin that again. Ill just help other people instead
I know you were trying to give ideas, but teleporters as stepping stones just doesn't work for a competitive gameplay. That was about the only idea you gave me, and I didn't just throw some walls into the map, in fact I placed them with a lot of thought and precision. I'm not barking at you, just explaining why I did what I did .
thank god. im honestly about to drop to my knees and ask you to marry me... nvm not that bad but somewhere near it b/c weneeded this bad. thanx for makin this..
i didnt say use that stepping stone idea i said try and come up with something creative like he did... I was just using that as an example. All i said was your map didnt look very aesthetically pleasing thats all... i was just suggesting u think of something new and fresh to grab peoples attention... good luck
I just think the map is asthetic by itself, the walls and barricades are only there for competitive purposes. I know what you mean, but I'm not putting something original on the map unless it effects the gameplay. By the way: Gameplay > Graphics.