Description: A small FFA slayer map. It's basically what the title says, garbage flowing, and spartan blood spilling. its small and it has weapons, grenades, and deployables which flow with the garbage. Idea: I threw down a man cannon inside one of the boxes on my map meltdown and thaught it look like some sort of garbage chute. I began to work off of the idea. Download: forgot to put it on earlier, sorry : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing There is a roof on it, I took it off for screen shots. Angled overview Under construction OMFG I bet you've never seen one of these before, a death pit! Weapons in the gunk Garbage Depository... thing...
looks cool clarification so there is a roof and there is no way to get out? ur just in the little base thing?
Looks pretty cool, I like the concept of the small stream in the middle but, The merging looks a little sloppy, But, other then that it looks like a pretty good level and and fun on the play on! 3 out of 5
i like how the guns are floating in the sewage lol whens the last time you have seen someone flush a battle rifle down the toilette lol jk it is a great idea
Is the roof elevated a little? Because I've always had trouble with maps with roofs because they're too low and you hit your head on them when jumping if it's one box high.
umm it looks pretty simple, its not that amazing, i mean its easy to make a stream and a death pit. You also tryed to make the death pit seem like an great feat you did, its not. I like the way your fighting in a sewer filled with a bunch of wepons. 4/5 keep forging.
Looks very cool. I don't even have a map on my harddrive that is made for ffa. This will be my first Very well themed I love your use of movable objects! Great Work!
This is really cool, but I have 2 questions: what weapons are on map and do objects move down the "sewer"?
um theres br's pistols msg's sword hammer brute shot rocket buncha frags plasmas and brutes trip mine regenerator bubble shield... i think thats in... and the objects are street cones, pallets road blocks and both sizes of barrels
This is the second time I've seen something that makes stuff move. The other one is Pallet Parade (pallets move). Nice map, nice idea, nice gameplay (it looks like it).
This looks pretty good though it seems like there might be ways to squeeze past the death teleporters. The map is a bit too small though and most of the weapons are in one place. The sewage drain looks nice with all the garbage passing through