World of WoWcraft FTW!

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Lanzr, Apr 14, 2008.

  1. Supa Midget

    Supa Midget Ancient
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    No im saying thats no reason to be a douche to completly different people who happen to share the same hobby.
    If your friend died in a racetrack accident would you go around insulting people on a nascar thread?
    Frankly,and i say this without meaning to insult and wholly as a fact of teh internets

    No one cares about anyone elses personel life over the internet.
    This isnt a blog,keep your personel issues out of this.
    Frankly what you did is the internet equivalent of going into a poor persons house and shouting at him becuase he makes less money than you.
  2. doughens12

    doughens12 Ancient
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    A: I wasn't trying to be a douche, i was just angry at my friend and i already said i was sorry when i realized how much of a dumbass i was for saying what i said. I wasn't trying to different people, but what i said made it sound like i was.

    B: Can you explain to me how what I said is the equivelant of me walking into a poor persons house and shouting at him cuz he makes less money than me? I'm sorry if i don't get your metaphors, but i just like 2 know for future reference if someone else makes a metaphor like that around me.
  3. Supa Midget

    Supa Midget Ancient
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    The fact that you were going into pro-wow threads to say those things...its not that great a comparison but it was fast.
    And i didnt see your im sorry post...they all got removed from that thread.

    All things aside you were doing in this thread exactly what you were doing in that one.
    You shouldnt go onto a game thread with the complete intent of trying to discredit the game because of one incident in your life
    I mean lets face it theres plenty of normal things that you can insult about wow anyway.Its a cartooney,grindfest full of swedish and other braindead idiots -and of course the minority of perfectly normal people-

    Besides this is an OLD thread and shouldn't be posted in anyway...
    #63 Supa Midget, Jul 10, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 10, 2008
  4. doughens12

    doughens12 Ancient
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    k im sorry if you didn't see my sorry post, but at least you know i am now :) and also, i see how you would get angry at me, and that is the exact reason i said sorry. I don't wanted to be hated forever by another forgehub member, so i hope you have forgiven me for what i said about people playing WoW. But anyways, i hate arguements, so plz try not to keep arguing in this thread. this is meant 4 WoW. If you wanna keep arguing, send me a pm.
  5. Dragoncoals

    Dragoncoals Ancient
    Banned Senior Member

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    No, I don't like Online computer games
  6. Supa Midget

    Supa Midget Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Sigh...I wasnt on a crusade to argue with you,i was pointing out that i'd seen you in two wow threads now,being counter-productive to what they were trying to do.
    Anyway,as i said.This thread is old.And there are alot of other wow threads up now for some reason.
    I say lock this to aovid clutter since me,doughens and dragoncoals are the only ones to post...

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