Well I'm just wondering if anybody else knows anything about this. It does not get as much attention as the Red Ring of Death. My 360 recently came down with this during a game on Call of Duty 4. My screen suddenly began displaying green hue to everything on my screen and minutes later the hue turned red and purple. I've tried the towel trick which helps ( for a very short amount of time ). I've called Microsoft already. But I'd like more information on why this may have happened and how I may prevent it from happening and maybe help others. Thanks This red tint happens after the green: This green tint was the first to happen on my 360
yeah it is for every game, the following day i got on RSV2 only to have the screen turn red a couple of minutes into my terrorist hunt. even the dashboard had a green tint. This is very rare but becoming more common.
sorry to break it to u but my friends x box did the same thing for about a week then it ringed on him
Check to see if your Red, Green, and Blue cords are connected to the back of your HDTV, if you use a standard tv, check to see if the Yellow cord is connected.
im pretty sure that what you said is a sign of getting the RROD, but im not positive. If it isn't that, then maybe one of your xbox plugs is plugged like halfway into the tv, and if it isn't that then maybe your tv is wacked up, but i doubt that.
too all above posts no it is my 360 ... my cord is perfectly fine, my tv displays shows perfectly colored. And when i use the towel trick the 360 works great. It seems to occur when my 360 gets heated up. So it might be a early symptom of RROD. BTW all my cables are connected properly
good to hear that everthing is going smooth I'm glad a fellow fh member didn't have to get the RROD like me a while ago
OK then, heres a tip. Keep your xbox off when you're sleeping, eating, or not home. thats a fine start!
it's off when i don't play lmao the fact is that i play it a lot due to gamebattles as tournaments here in my town lol
not without an xbox lol no i called xbox and i should my box soon... it sucks because im going to miss forging and playing COD4.... *sad face*
that happens once in a while for me too, but it goes away within minutes, or i just restart. i figured it was just some connection thing to the tv was messed up
Yea. I agree. I remember the first time my Xbox over heated, I was freakin out till I saw only two red rings. Scared the hell out of me. Also, if you have 20 bucks you can get the cooling fan system. It works like a charm if you have to have it confined in a cubby.
i've heard that the cooling fan increased increased the chances of your sstem overheating or the likelyhood of getting this green screen. and my 360 was perfectly fine. i was ran it for 48 hrs straight with no problem. It's just one day i shot my friend as he threw C4 and "pow", along came the green screen.
....... During a game? Cause knowingly if you blew us C4 that was getting thrown at you, you would of died. Anyways, The cooling fan doesn't increase the chances of your system overheating. Although it could if you were and idiot an put it on backwards somehow....
This sounds like what happened to my PS2... When I first saw this thread's title, I thought it had something to do with GoW and its greenish screen. But this is different. Is your Xbox on the floor? If you floor is carpeted, it'll heat up quicker. Just put your Xbox on top of a thick book, like a Dictionary.
Hey, guess what? I've gotten the RRoD 4 times. My system is still top notch, in working order. The cure to RRoD? Unplug it, but from the box, not the wall outlet. It works, for real.