Map Title: Castle Short, Sweet, To the point: VIP, territories, one bomb, and others. SET THE ATTACKERS TO HAVE ENERGY SWORDS AND GRAVITY HAMMERS IF POSSIBLE. One of the few maps that makes VIP and territories ACTUALLY FUN!!!! More into detail: Playing Defense and Offense at the same time is far too complicated with few people, but defending your base from attack and then attacking your enemy afterward is fun! This map takes THAT fun and amplifies it 10x!!! Defend your castle, make sure the enemy dosen't get past the first wall and if they do retreat, then when time is up, lay siege upon them... : ) In this map the defenders have the advantage, everyone defending should have a different job; Snipers, stay on top of the second wall. Gunners; grab the turrets on top of the first wall. Close-quarter-solders, grab a SMG and a Plasma Rifle and wait for the enemy to knowck down the first wall, then charge. vehicle take-downers, there are two ways to do this: To balance the heavy cavalry the attackers have, I set up three anti-vehicle kits , two of which, are on the first wall. Plan A: Grab the power drain and spike grenades in between the two turrets on the first wall, freeze em', then stick em'. If the Wraith knocks down the wire spools used to get up there, than go to plan Plan B: directly below the turrets there is a plasma pistol and a fuel rod gun, freeze, then blast away. Once the vehicles make it past the first wall, there are four turrets lined up to take them down, but that might not work, so it is time for plan Plan C: There is a Spartan Laser and four firebomb grenades behind a barrier on the second wall. For this one, you need to get creative. The Spartan Laser is also a good secondary weapon for snipers. I tried to make the map as balanced as possible however the farther you make it into the castle, the harder it is to travel a meter ahead. The ultimate goal is to get to the keep, especially in VIP and One Bomb. "Getting past" the walls requires a gravity hammer because the "Doors" are made up of Barriers that never spawn after completely destroyed. Screanies: Attacker's starting position ImageShack - Hosting :: 31557376fullmk4.jpg Attacker's vehilcle setup ImageShack - Hosting :: 31558003fullfp0.jpg First wall ImageShack - Hosting :: 31558214fullbg0.jpg Second wall ImageShack - Hosting :: 31558495fulllj6.jpg Stairway to the keep ImageShack - Hosting :: 31558580fullre5.jpg The keep ImageShack - Hosting :: 31560416fullbn2.jpg Action shot Weapons: Defense: Brute Shot X1 Covenant Carbine X1 Flamethrower X1 Fuel Rod Gun X1 Needler X1 Plasma Pistol X1 Shotgun X1 Spartan Laser X1 Energy Sword X2 Mauler X2 Plasma Rifle X2 Rocket Launcher X2 Sentinel Bean X2 SMG X2 SpikerX2 Plasma Rifle X2 Beam Rifle X3 Machine Gun Turret X3 Plasma Cannon X3 Sniper Rifle X3 Firebomb Grenade X4 Spike Grenade X4 Plasma Grenade X2 Power Drain X1 Regenerator X1 Offense Chopper X1 Ghost X1 Mongoose X1 Warthog X1 Warthog, Gauss X1 Wraith X1 Energy Sword X5 Gravity Hammer X6 DOWNLOAD HERE SERIOUSLY THIS MAP IS SUPER FUN PLEASE DOWNLOAD!!!! OTHER MAPS: COMING SOON:
your screenshots arent working, get them from, upload them to, and open the image in a new window, then create the link
Even though you posted a link they are not embedded. If you don't know how to embed pictures here's how you do it. 1) Get an account at photobucket or imageshack it's easy and free 2) Go to and save all the pictures you want embedded by right clicking them. 3) Upload the pictures to your image hosting website. 4) Copy the IMG bar underneath each picture and paste it in the post. You can go here for an easy copy and pasting template for your map. You must have a description, name and title, pics ect. Remember to +rep it this post helped! Edit: I know you don't need the last part I just copied and pasted this post from a different one.
With the screens you have put (must embed though) the map looks really cool. I love the looks of the base and the way the map plays is both origonal and fun. Good Work keep it up!
Sounds like a nice map, And i like the large amout of wepons and spots. but your pictures arent working. go to the fourms for help or read the comments.