If anyone tries to steal this map or its design I WILL report you to forgehub community watch....as I have already found a few people trying to do so! *note this is a work in progress & I'm sorry if this is in the wrong place, I thought this was the most suitible spot and I didn't want to crowd up other forums. Updated pics!! Hi, guys I have been working on this map and I wanted to post some pictures of it. Now please note that it is a work in progress and not even close to being done. I have only worked on it for a day, I just wanted to get some feedback on the actual layout. Now please criticize me on the map design and not totally the actual map (as I said before it's a work in progress). As one of my first slayer maps I believe I hit the design right on the spot. What kind of game types run on this map? Well, this map was designed for an asymmetrical CTF. But, as I through together the map design and different ideas it turned out to be a pretty KA team slayer map! Or even KOTH. Pretty much all game types are supported. The map layout The New Pics! Looking at the death pit and attackers base. Looking at the attackers base and sky tunnel. Heres the older pics: Looking at the high side Tunnel Entrance Inside of Tunnel Post comments that will help me.. Don't post, this map blows try blocking in the map noob! That obviously wouldn't be a eligible comment that would help me on actual map design or anything. Now something like, You should lengthen some weapon spawn times to make the map more balanced, would be a more helpful comment.
I t looks good to me,all im wondering before i can give any proper critisism is how your going to fit your layout into foundry. Btw if that under hill tunnel thingy is what i think it is it looks very well interlocked and should be a cool addition.Not to many maps have under floor passages
Thanks! But, yes the layout will fit into foundry (although I am noticing I may have to size down on a few things). And thank-you I tried to make the hill bump free (which it pretty much is so far). Also, you don't have to crouch in the tunnel underneath.
Cool,if you need a second pair of hands(laser beams?) in forge give supa midget000 a shout. Also id be happy to test it out once youv got V1 ready
Thanks, but I forge alone...And you would be welcome to help test it out! Although I am leaving for florida in 2 weeks for a technology competition, and I need to work on that too...So a playable version may not be done till after that, but I'll let you know. Also what do you mean by the laser beams? What do you mean I should keep on trying?
I think he means that he thinks you should keep going with it because it looks cool so far. I agree that this looks like it could potentially be very interesting. I like the idea of tossing in some new original elements to a map though, and I don't see any here yet, so you may want to try to think of something before you release it, it'll just make the map seem more interesting and refreshing to play. Also, why is is called Irish Highlands?
I am throwing some original ideas in, I just didn't want to post them till I post the finished project. And I named it Irish Highlands because at the time I was working on an Irish musical composition (when I was designing the map and throwing around ideas)....I am seeing as I am coming closer to finishing the map that I am having to size down on some of things (I added in a lot from the original layout). But, I assure you I am trying to make this map as original as possible and add in as many ideas that I can...in the end I will need more help on spawn and weapon placement than anything, being that this is my first slayer map....as soon as I get done redoing this one part I'll add more pictures. I added in a loop around from the base in the lower corner to the stairs up to the sky tunnel. I just hope I don't get carried away in the earlier stages of forging it and run out of items by the end...well anyway check back here..I'll be adding more pictures soon.
That looks like an awesome map! Great work! I can't wait to play it. Maybe I can help test it out? GT: Metroshell
Looks like that hill thing gives you a nice view of the map, you should have some cover from fire from the hill.
looks pretty good, the high lands and the tunnel look like a good idea and nicely done, some places look a bit rushed but i know ur not finished
wow!! i cant wait to see this ive downloaded alot of maps and been dissapointed, this one looks like it could be one that is really good, maybye it has somthing to do with the name, i like maps with hills, empire, gradient etc. if you want it to be a fun map, keep it the way it is, if you want it to be more serious, not mlg bcause of the design but if that, then maybe take like the power weapons out, and make sure that there isnt a base with like all the power weapons that usually makes the other parts less seen, as everybody fights for that base, so try not to make one spot high ground or low ground, this weapon or that weapon, make sure that one particular space isnt to much of an advantage, looks great good job!!