Judgement Day

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by Big Boy 2013, Jul 10, 2008.


What do you grade this map?

  1. It sucks man, give up on maps.

    3 vote(s)
  2. Yeah, not that bad...

    7 vote(s)
  3. Pretty good map.

    1 vote(s)
  4. Great map, keep em' comin.

    2 vote(s)
  1. Big Boy 2013

    Big Boy 2013 Ancient
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    Judgement Day
    Created by Big Boy 2013

    Storm is the best for this map, where the zombies die by one bullet, and humans have unlimited ammo. Otherwise, any infection will work as long as you have only 1 zombie to start. Also, you can use the human base's bottom to make you own floating base, and I put the fxes in easy to find spots, 2 outside the energy blockers and 4 inside. (I kept the two outside because they got really annoying, and at the end of forging I finally put the rest in. The filters are to make it extremely hard to see the zombies, to make the turrets almost useless.

    This is a very simple map within Avalanche's caves, and the humans have a small floating base that can hold up to 8 people, with 3 turrets and a handful of weapons. (Sorry its a little tipped over, but its hard to get stuff to float straight in there =(.)The humans spawn on the base, and the zombies spawn in the little cage. The base's slanted design makes it harder for zombies to land perfectly in it, making it so they have to lunge at the humans with their swords. At the beginning, the humans get 30 seconds to get their weapons ready, find their bearings, and laugh at the pitiful zombie stuck in his cage, or just lounge around and wait til you get infected. After those 30 seconds, a fusion coil blows up the fusion coil on the teleport, and lets the zombies out, and nighttime comes. If you see the pics, its really tough to see the zombies in the dark since they are black, to the zombies advantage. There are tons of cannon mans aimed at the base for the zombies to launch themselves, but if they land on the top of the base, its hard to get to the bottom without falling off the map. After those first short 90 seconds, comes blindness. The map is all blurry with white spots and black spots, with the zombies almost impossible to see. But yet, the base stands out in the darkness to the zombie's advantage. Even if you can survive awhile, in the end, you will all die.


    This is the whole overview, with the human base in the back and its very bright out.

    The human base with its slanted roof and base and 3 turrets for protection.

    The back of the human base, with the handful of small weapons for more defense. (They are set to instant respawn, so if you want one and your comrade takes it, just push him off the edge and it will respawn =)

    This is the start-off zombies cage, with a non-working teleport for the first 30 seconds, and see-through walls for a short laugh.

    After 30 seconds, this is where the zombies come through with cover for all out annialation.

    Looking forward from the human base, this is the left zombie's side with 2 cover boxes and 2 mancannons leading towards the humans, and another leading to the other side which is higher but faster then the giant cannon thingy. This is also where the zombies get teleported to.

    The opposite side of the zombies platforms is the right side, with the cage and 3 mancannons all aiming at the base and a giant one leading to the otherside. The energy blocker slightly illuminates this side.

    After those first 30 seconds, here is the same overview of the map. Way darker and gloomier. And, as you see, the human base stands out most besides the energy blockers, cannon mans, and those big cannons, you get what I mean.

    Then comes time for the zombies to frolick and kill humans, so a fusion coil opens up the teleport so the zombies can attack. The only bad thing though, it keeps goin off every 30 seconds, so zombie heads can fly from time to time =P.

    As you see, from the human base, if you look closely you can just see the energy sword and the zomzibar. See how hard it is?

    After 90 seconds, then vision gets blurry, and everything is either too bright or too dark to spot zombies until it is usually too late. This makes the game nice and fast. And, for the zombies, the base is still easily spotted.

    In this pic, it shows almost how impossible it is to see the zombies after 90 seconds. The zombie's sword can be seen by the open box by the man cannon. Nearly impossibly.

    This last pic shows, from the zombies view, how easy it is to spot the base. But even for the zombies, falling off the edge comes frequently. (Lol, you can tell by my score =P.)


    If you think this sucks, NO REFUNDS!!! Otherwise, play safe please.

    Download Judgement Day
    Download Storm
    #1 Big Boy 2013, Jul 10, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 11, 2008
  2. Guitarmasta2

    Guitarmasta2 Ancient
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    looks like a really cool map

    i love how everyone is now using the fx to make scary infection games wonder if bungie thought that people were going to use them that way?
  3. GD27 BlueDevil

    GD27 BlueDevil Ancient
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    Take off the filter. I'll DL just for a break of foundry and because the map looks pretty cool. Forgehub doesn't like armorys but other than that the map looks cool! Good Work :)
  4. Irc WindDragon

    Irc WindDragon Ancient
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    I'm sorry, but even with the FXes, it doesn't seem very balanced with the floating base and having a needler, sniper rifle and shotgun in the same exact spot. Maybe move the weapons around so the humans have to scout around instead of just hoping onto the floating base and be home free. Also, inside the cage, is it possible to jump higher than the teleporter? Since it's possible to jump up and land on the teleporter and be able to go through.
  5. Big Boy 2013

    Big Boy 2013 Ancient
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    Actually, the humans spawn on the base, so the weapons all have to be on there otherwise the humans would be able to jump off and camp. There isnt much way I could spread it out, and I tried jumping up into the teleport multiple times but I never got out.

    Hey, and one of you 3 voted my map sucks =P. Just jokin.
  6. Shade117 pro

    Shade117 pro Ancient
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    i would get it but i don't have the legendary maps yet but from overall u deserve a big congratulations & good rep
  7. Own3dyoo

    Own3dyoo Ancient
    Senior Member

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    thats a really cool map
    great idea and design behind the map to
  8. the persister2

    the persister2 Ancient
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    I like the light effects, but 1 shot kill with 3 machine gun-turrets is not the best idea ever, nice try though.
  9. Dragoncoals

    Dragoncoals Ancient
    Banned Senior Member

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    eh, this map doesn't look like it was constructed well to me. you should try to stay away from 2 or more different weapons so close together. (pic 4)
  10. xMBMAxPureEvil

    xMBMAxPureEvil Ancient
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    well the map itself looks great but, really you shouldn't put color effects in maps. They usuly become so annoying you jsut want to quit. I personally think that color effects are for screenshots only. some maps you can pull color effects off in but thats pretty rare. This map looks great without the color effects but with them I dont know. i'll have to test it out. comment later.
  11. Big Boy 2013

    Big Boy 2013 Ancient
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    I put the light effects in to make up for the machine guns, since it is almost impossible to see the zombies after the 90 seconds. I didnt put them in for show, (Well, sort of...) but to make it really hard to see the zombies. And also, the zombies will sometimes land on top of the base, and can just plop right in from the back so the turrets are useless, and can surprise all the humans. You get what I mean?
    #11 Big Boy 2013, Jul 10, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 11, 2008
  12. FreshCherry

    FreshCherry Ancient
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    originial idea......i like it!!!!!!!!! one thing: Does the blurry vision go away after a while? make more please!
  13. Big Boy 2013

    Big Boy 2013 Ancient
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    I'm working on a new one, in my sig. Im either going to make a castle, a spaceship, or another Judgement Day type thing inside the tunnel.
  14. sexy dude

    sexy dude Ancient
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    wow this is a really nice map i like it because it is different i never see it on this map well done 2/5

    KIDS lol 4.5/5
  15. superunknown777

    superunknown777 Ancient

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    There are way to many like this
    i should ****ing kill your family and anyone who looks at this map
    you suck at likfe
    you should end you life with an electric chair
  16. Blaze8166

    Blaze8166 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    good map, but cheap at some areas
  17. Sargen Piepa

    Sargen Piepa Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Seems like a good map, I know I would dl, but... DARN the customs limit...
  18. UndoingChales

    UndoingChales Ancient
    Senior Member

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    not very good its iffy on the cybro jet stream compulsor, but other than that its bad

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