This is a map that I spent alot of time on and I know the first thing people will say is geo merge the open boxes in the floor, please I did this for a reason. with game play in mind the doors are so close that I wanted it harder to get head shots with the br. now on to description: this map has two bases with fun placement of a sword and shottie. there is also a long curving hall (pictured) and a small room on the end to hide in. each base is 2 lvls high and are easy to access. you will find lots of cqb to mid range for 2-6 players. : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing weapons list: 1br 1shottie 1sword 2spikers 3smgs 1mauler 1active cammo 1a-rifle 1radar jammer 1energy drain 2spike nades 2frags 2stikies can't remember the speed they respawn bhut the nades and cammo are fast spawns. suggested game types: 2-6 players on assult, slayer, infection, vip or oddball
You need more pics but from the one you put in this map looks pretty cool. I like the way you made the walls of this map very high and the way you tipped the boxs to give this map its own feel. Good work you just need to add a couple more pics! I'll DL and rate
sorry bout the lack of pics this map is old and I will have to go in and make some more, also I must add that the map is small so it's hard to get good pics I'll be adding new pics within the hour.
this map looks amazing from the one screen posted up...i cant wait for more. i will download once i see more screens
get some more pics up and i prolly will download sounds like you put a lot of time and effort into this map so far 3.5/5 could go up with more pics
Trust me, I almost never geomerge because I always mess up, but otherwise the map looks well thought out, plenty of interlocking, but maybe just slightly bigger pics.
I know! As i said I was posting a map that I made long ago. the pics don't do it justice so just dl and give it a try, your hard drive spoace isn't that valueable is it? jk. try the map it's easy to pic it apart before you play. p.s. the weapon list is hard 'cause i didn't make one when i made it but ill try off the top of my head: 1b.r. 1shottie 1e.sword 1mauler 2spikers 2smgs 1a-rifle 2spike nades 2stickies 2frags 1active cammo 1radar jammer 1energy drain I think thats it, mabe one more smg and can't remember if i put a bubble shild in, but don't think so.
from what i can see in the small pics the map looks great it would be nice if they were bigger but i'll dl anyway EDIT: after strolling around in your map it is very good however you might wanna fix the respawn times of the weapons and camo. great job though
Looks like a fun map. The interlocking is good and its clean. Will infection work on it? Pretty good. 4/5. keep forging
everything looks great a few more pics would be nice tho. im goin to dl and check it out. the only thing so far i can see thats wrong at all is that th boxs could be merged into the ground so hat nades dont fall under.. good job over all tho