Leopards can serve many roles, from APC to mobile command center. They can carry up to 200 tons of cargo. This map is a bit more playable tan most of my other aesthetics. It has a sort of welded-together look to it, which I like. So, without further ado, the screenshots: Overview Side-gun in action Troop Variant Recon Variant Armory Variant Command Variant Download here! Don`t forget to post images of your Leopard variants here!
Dude, you have aesthetic map skillz. Seriously. I would be surprised if I saw better aesthetic maps than yours. No joke. I like how you did more than one Leopard. 5/5
dude that is so cool!! i was expecting so stupid lame car but u put together a nearly functional vehicle (except the driving part) but def 5/5 +rep for originality
Yeah, this was only my second aesthetic map, so it isn`t as good as the others. My first one was a crappy Chinook. ^^;
For a second map it doesn't look bad though. I wanna see the Chinook! Military helicopters are FTW (And so is the AC-130, F-22, C-17)
I already deleted it to make space for more maps. It was basically a box of signs with windows at the front. :/
i can't make good aesthetic maps like this so i would say it is very neat good in interlocking & well presented so in overall i would have to say it is AWSOME!
Yeah. However, I`m trying to make it so people can make their own Leopard and design maps around it. I left ot bare so people could put what they want around the Leopard.
This looks pretty awesome, I like that its your own made up vehicle, And not just copying the games vehicles, So Bravo! 5 out of 5
Yeah. I have loads of ideas boppin` around my head. I`m farily sure I could make up my own sci-fi universe with all the vehicles I`m planning on Forging. I`m trying to make a S.A.M launcher right now, but I can`t get the mechanism to work yet. -.-;
Very nice use of interlocking, especially with the back part of it. The only thing that could be fixed is the front part, certain parts of it look a bit messy, but if thats what you were going for then there isnt anything wrong with it. Keep making more aeshetic maps, you definatly have a flare for it
this map looks amazing, I can easily see how you could make this into a great map with this as an objective map. or even a competitive map. Do you have copyrights on this?