This is my second post on forgehub and my second race map it has a start counter 4 people max (reccomended can have more) starts out with a big long jump bounces off shield doors then lands, after that you jump onto a bankturn go around that then land. theres a straight away after that then you hit a jump onto a enerygy door bridge after that you do a 360 and go under the energy bridge. then up a long ramp onto a another bridge in mid air. then you jump off onto a landing ramp go down a straight away and a turn and your done. here are the pictures the start bankturn pic 1 the energy bridge the jump going onto the energy bridge the long ramp onto the bride in mid air the bridge in mid air after the landing ramp almost to the finish theres currently no game type but its obvius where to go please leave suggestions and if you download i promise you wont be dissapointed download link : : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing
looks very good and clean. like the arrows in the ground. might be easy to get lost but i know how hard it is to use ava because of its vastness. 4/5
Congrats on the smoothness of the track. Looks like fun but there is nothing special about this Avalanche race map than others, add loops or corkscrews!
Oh Hai Waffle. =D Anyway, to all you people looking at this map: It's not the best looking map, obviously. I wasn't expecting much, because it's him. (No offense Waffle.) But when you play the track, it's really fun, and it's surprisingly smooth. So I'll actually give it an 8/10. Edit: It's really not too hard to stay on track, there's only one part that's a little confusing, but if you follow the arrows, you won't get lost.
Not the best race track i've seen on Avalanche, but then again - some have been awesome. The track has been laid out very well but a little more interlocking and maybe some geo-merging might make the track a little smoother
its really simple and you didnt really do any merging but its still smooth and not many ppl make races here
Its ok. Make the track a little smoother. I didnt see much interlocking objects. But none the less it looks like a cool map 3/5