this map was made by Mikelp10 heres the link : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing This is a map i have been working in for some time now, it is a large four story building. this is the structure basement-bar(most dangerous and fun room) 1st floor-entrance hallway, shower room. 2nd floor-turret room looking out main window,bedroom, hallways, small ammo area roof-sniper/ cage area. must get to roof via fire escape. the building has a front yard that was trashed (crazy teens and such) and a small base made by barriers and dumpsters. this map supports FFA and team slayer, KOTH, oddball, and One Bomb assault. Assault is based on GTA when a bomb is planted under a man's pillow =) also, dont worry about power weapons like shotgun, rockets. because i placed them with one clip to prevent unfair ownage Note- i have hidden two weapons on the map, see if you can find them, my friends told me that they would never have looked in the spot were they are hidden, the weapons are a sp laser and a sentinel beam. Good hunting. here are the pictures. Front view side view yard front door (knock knock) hall working shower 1st floor 1st floor closet(yes my spartan is commin out of the closet) stairs to 2nd floor, be careful 2nd floor to base turret war ammo dump 2nd floor bedroom, bed, toy ball, tv....fuel rod??? fire escape to roof the roof is a great place for sniping.....unfortunately best room and best excuse for killing hundreds of people....the bar. howd you get back there??? Dry martini please? sorry we dont serve noobs. I hope you enjoy this map, its smoothly interlocked floors/walls. it is incredibly action packed especially on one bomb.
awesome and cool at the same time....just wondering how you get into the bar, and please post a pic that shows respawns!
this looks very familiar to me, did you just take the "I am legend map and adjust it to a house? i remember the layout of the house, including the ar spawn armory and even the turret placement. the house is also in the exact same spot.
i dont know if you noticed but theres 2 of the same pic. other than that it looks like a very well made map.
no, i made this from scratch with the unlimited money glitch. I am legend is also a much smaller building and has many buildings surrounding it, but i can see why you would thing that. To prove it, but i dont encourage people looking at it, the back of the house is completely blocked off, try to get back there. you will see wall corners replacing walls that ran out, so you see a bunch of peices on the back of the house. looks very ugly and i did not want to reveal it on forgehub, but i am sure that you cannot get back there as a player in gameplay also the bar has a stairwell from the 1st floor hallway far on the right, you may be able to see it in the pic, and i have the pic labeled "How did you get there???" thats the stairwell to the 1st floor And Sorry for not showing pics of respawn points, I was thinking those were the kind of pics that you wouldnt want to see. But the layout of spawners are, defenders spawn spread across the inside of the building, while attackers spread across the lawn behind barriers and inside the dumpster base.
I like the urban quality you gave this map. Halo has really needed a map like this. Looks almost like an apartment
I really like the working shower idea.Pretty cool!Anyway, nice idea.Must've taken you FOREVER to make it! 4.5-Keep forging Mikelp10
Thanks, It took me a REALLY long time to make, like a month, then with perfecting and playtesting about 3 months.
I haven't played a team game on this map before, but it seems that defense has a HUGE advantage as they can all camp the door (the only entrance into the building).
this looks like a very unique house map. It looks fun for infection, but one of those pics says a working shower. how does the shower work?
looks like a def dl!! some parts maybe be a little sloppy from pics but i know how hard it is to be perfect. keep up the good work!
This looks pretty well made. May not be the most original, but it sure is well thought out. I like these types of maps, they just play very well in games like assault, ctf, or zombies.
hari, there are 3 ways in... gravlift to the fire escape into the bedroom. Teleporter outside corner in truck that teleports you inside closet, and front door..... also, it is balanced for most of the weapons, 2 shotguns, 2 snipers, the outside has most of the equipment and the outside has a splaser and a sentinel beam hidden and both of those are what i consider a power weapon. and all power weapons have only 1 clip so it prevents ownage. The power weapon rockets behind the bar table takes just as long for someone on the outside to get as it does for someone upstairs in the building to get. and if someone IS camping the front door, theres a window on the side with a view of the front door that you can kill them from. its the window on top of the cage under the fire escape. And the working shower, it actually shoots water (used grav lift interlocked into wall, with teleporter as the knobs and such, shield door for watery ground.)