I hate these posts, yes there are douchebags everywhere, but there is a higher percentage in America, face it. Don't forget this is in my experience only. I had 1 guy who said America has everything I could imagine. To even this out I must stereotype others. New Zealanders: MUST have NZ in their GT somewhere. Australians: Complain about lag ALL THE TIME. British: Complain about Americans a lot.
well, by general rule of thumb, if you have more of one group, theres going to be more assholes in the larger group. ratios are way off, and im tired of hearing about nationalities. its a ****ing video game.
its not just americans who are like that. i know some people over here in britain who aren't usually much better.
I know some really cool Americans and Brits. But tbh there are WAY more american fags. It's like 1/10 its an aussie/brit..
Heres kinda how it goes for me The nine year olds from america are annoying,i for the most part find the adult guys alright. The chavs from britian are annoying becuase of the accent and the british and proud ones that dont seem to realise they arent the rulers of the world.The rest are perfectly fine. I honestly dont see whats wrong with a slagging war `over XBL.You slag them back,whats the big deal? Ukrainians are annoying....fullstop...but ive only run into a few Australians rock...even though it almost always means the game will lag to f*** But yeahs,they're just stereotypes not a fact by any account. Incidently has anyone esle run into the extremely rare roleplaying xbl player? That was a wierd game... BTW I really wish people would stop using *** as a general insult...
Really, you can't stereotype Americans like that, or you're falling just as low as he is. I'm sorry that someone made such an immature insensitive comment to you. But let's face it, we've all met extremely arrogant, annoying people from multiple different countries. You can't lay the blame on any one country for a general fault of society as a whole. I get racist comments from everyone, be they from my own country or elsewhere. Just a point, but making comments about someone's sexuality or country does not make them racist. They would either be homophobic, or a stereotypist. Racism is perpetrated against people of a particular race. There can be black, Hispanic, or Caucasian people from any country.
Yeah, it was sad when he died. there were gay activists protesting at his funeral. He was a freakin actor! btw, thanks for pointing out that not all americans are this way!
true they are idiots, but to often are they americans..... sometimes us brits get a hammering for unknown reasons, hek, then it escalates and someone shouts 7/7 or 9/11.
Sad that people are so base sometimes. I have yet to get matched up with an Australian player (with a mic anyways) but I hold nothing against someone just because they aren't from here.
from what i have heard, aussies absolutely hate getting matched up with americans for another reason besides the fact that we suck: apparently the internet there sucks balls and if they get in a party with americans it lags super bad. thats what i heard some of them saying anyways.
Yeah its becuase the connections between the two countries arent great to begin with and if theres say one american and 7 aussies,the american will always gets host because of how halo 3's host choice works
Not every american is like that, theres a lot of pricks, not only in america, you have the racist people in england and other countries too.
Man, its funny how everyone is saying its people in america who are the mean ones when in reality it happens all over the world, i played with a few mexicans who just came in and started talking crap out of nowhere for no reason, i had two australians who kept saying "americas Fat", I had a portugese talk crap on my mother, there was this one canadian, i forget what he did. This basically just goes about from everywere. Just deal with it. as long as you win the game in the end is all good
That's funny because recently the Australians were listed as fattest country in the world (a percentage wise) I forget the exact statistics, but I saw it on the news a few months ago. America could've become the fattest since then, but I don't know. Yeah, I don't play with too many people from other countries, one time I played with some french people, couldn't understand a word they were saying, it was hilarious. I bet they were saying nasty things about America too xD. We ended up beating them and as a small joke I put in. "Of course we beat them, their French" I was of course just joking around with them, but I don't know if they got that. I think it's best if we treat people with respect on Xbox live because, yeah your anonymous, but if you're playing with someone that is respectful you have more respect for their culture and nation... That is all ~Randle $candal
I was playing with a bunch of english guys the other day, who,no matter who they were insulting would call them fat americans....and just wouldn't shut up about hw america sucks etc luckily enough theres isnt TOO many off those kinds of people.
So what, its the ****ing internet dude...Get over it...seriously, noone wants to hear you complain about how you think you know what everybody is. Where do you get your statistics? I'm an American, I have British, Irish, Scottish, Black and many many many other friends. So stop saying we do **** when you know we don't ALL do it...
lot's of repetitive posts in this thread. Every single person, is a ****. EVERY human has an ignorant douchebag somewhere inside them. It's human nature to discriminate. I'm a nice guy, but i've had some reallly bad insults, offensive statements and such pop up in my head. do i say them? no, it's uncalled for but they're there. It's just a matter of self control, which many do not have. Especially over the internet...