Boxing Arena Created by M1dgetkilla(thats my Gamertag) Supported Gametypes: Custom Gametype-'Boxing' Score to win- 5 WEAPONS AND VEHICLES ~Damage Modifier- 100% ~Primary Weapon- Plasma Pistol ~Secondary- None GENERAL ~Number of rounds- 4 ~Time limit(each round)- 4 Minutes BASE PLAYER TRAITS ~Damage Resistance- 1000%(no 1 hit and your dead) ~Shield Multiplier- Normal Shields ~Shield Recharge Rate- 0% no recharge MOVEMENT ~Speed- 100% ~Gravity- 200% (to prevent escaping the ring) NO SENSORS 1 Live per round Map Description Forging 101: [ YES ] __Floating Objects [ ___ ] __Instant Respawn [ YES ] __Immovable Objects [ ___ ] __Timed Map Events [ YES ] __Effective Spawn Placement [ ___ ] __Gravity Lift Techniques [ ___ ] __Objects Placed in Water [ YES ] __Used Symmetry Option [ YES ] __Interlocking Objects [ ___ ] __Objects Merged with Map Geometry [ ___ ] __Unlimited Budget Glitch "The sweat drips down ur face,ur bruised & cut,but u know u have to win. 2 people.BY M1dgetkilla" This map is set up for the custom gametype "Boxing".This map is for 1v1. and includes a bathroom(in the pic the roof is taken off), a concession stand,The Boxing Ring with fence walls used around it to keep boxers in.The ring is made out of interlocked double boxes flipped over. Then there are the bleachers on each side next to the boxing ring. They both have announcer stands in the front of the bleachers. and the bleachers have hand rails interlocked with the stairs and double boxes. There is a light show thingy at the top above the boxing ring, its slopy though because im not good at placing stuff above where i cant fly.then there is a parking with warthogs and a semi truck carrying two mongeese. Please enjoy this map and thanks for reading everything _________________________________________________ Bleachers Left Bleachers Right The Ring Parking Lot Concession Stand Bathrooms _________________________________________________ Please give your feedback on this map and what i could maybe add or take out if i make a version 2.Thanks for reading and giving feedback. Download Boxing Arena Download Boxing
this looks awsome but i dont know if it is really a mini game map maybe a asthetic map. if it is a minigame map maybe you should describe the game more. or is it just slayer?
I love the aesthetics, and the gametype sounds good. The locker room is a really cool feature, and I will DL and get back to you.
I have to say, this is quite a nice Mini Game Map. It is also very aesthetically pleasing too and i suppose i have to give you + rep for bothering to make stands, bathrooms, parking etc, to make it more realistis and fun. (It must have taken some time.) Glad you interlocked because many mini-game maps usually don't. All i need to make it excellent is for an explanation of the gametype. We need to know what weapon you use to determine how the game will play. I will get back to this if you update it.
yeah it is not clear if you posted this for the arena to look at or for a game where you spawn in the cage and bunch the other person
Post has been updated for you Hazza.. and thank you guys for the comments and planning another map right now.i have many ideas and they keep coming so i dont know which im gonna make first.